“有迹象表明,中国经济已经触底反弹。增长动力仍然由服务业提供。这种现象会随着家庭需求和收入的回升而持续下去。” “We have seen a sign of bottoming out. The growth drivers continue to be the service sector. This will continue as the household demand and income will recover.”
“So we see that China will grow steadily in the coming decades. The growth driver will be productivity gains as well as capital accumulations.”
“The main difference we see is that China currently is still at the lower level of development as well as urbanization than that in Japan in the 1990s. So that should give a room for China to gain much more from new investment in terms of productivity. The second difference is that China so far manages to avoid the asset price collapse while Japan then was suffering so much from the declining property prices as well as other asset prices.”
秋冬吃柚 赛过吃肉
颗粒饱满 清甜多汁
来源: qq