


近期,纽约大学官网发布官方承诺,从2024-2025学年开始,校长Linda G. Mills扩大了纽约大学对录取学生的经济支持,只要其家庭年收入低于10万美元,并满足相应条件,将不必支付学费。


Announcing The NYU Promise. Beginning in the 2024-25 academic year, President Linda G. Mills expanded NYU's commitment to affordability through The NYU Promise, guaranteeing that every undergraduate - domestic and international - who started as a first year student admitted to our New York campus will not have to pay tuition if they have family income under $100,000 and hold typical assets.

Who is eligible to have tuition covered?

Students admitted as first year undergraduate students to our New York campus, who apply for financial aid by the financial aid deadlines, and who have a family income under $100,000 and hold typical assets will be eligible to have their tuition covered.

Will there be adjustments to current students who qualify?

Yes. Any students enrolled at NYU in fall 2024 (including sophomores, juniors, and seniors) who meet the criteria will have their NYU Scholarship adjusted for the start of the fall 2024 term.

How does NYU define “income”?

NYU defines total income as the total of student and parent wages, earnings from a business or other self-employment, other taxable income such as unemployment compensation, and all untaxed income.

How does NYU define “typical” assets?

NYU defines typical assets as assets commensurate with family income levels.  A family’s assets may include cash and savings, investments, home equity, business net worth, other real estate and any other assets. Families with significant assets above what is typical for their income level may not qualify for full tuition, but would still qualify to have 100% of their demonstrated need met.

What if my need exceeds NYU tuition?

In addition to ensuring students will not have to pay tuition, NYU is also committed to meeting the demonstrated financial need of all new first year students who apply by our deadlines.  If your demonstrated need is greater than the cost of NYU tuition, your total NYU scholarships will exceed tuition to meet your demonstrated need.

Can international students qualify to have their tuition covered?

Yes. Tuition will be covered regardless of citizenship status as long as all of the other requirements are met. International students do not fill out the FAFSA when applying for financial aid.


纽约大学(New York University,NYU成立于1831年,是美国私立名校之一,其提倡Global Network University理念,拥有纽约、上海、阿布扎比三大校区和十多个学习中心分布全球各地。

纽约大学校友会(NYU Alumni Club)旨在服务纽约大学毕业校友,会定期组织社交活动和主题讲座,努力促进校友之间的联系与合作。

(拉丁语原文为Perstare et Praestare)


一百零八 游石湖1年省$5万!纽约大学官宣:这类人入读免学费!5149 血壮山河之武汉会战 崩溃 9其實家庭PM2.5及輻射超標或更可怕纽约大学表示:家庭年收入低于10万美元的新生学费全免家庭收入低于10万美元,明年读纽约大学(NYU)免学费【重磅】NYU官宣:家庭年收入低于10万美元的学生免除学费!国际学生也可以申请!纽大官宣!家庭年收入低于10万美元的新生(含国际生)学费全免!重磅!纽约大学承诺:家庭年收入低于10万美元的新生学费全免!游阿尔泰山喀纳斯湖福利来了!家庭收入低于$10万美元,明年读纽约大学(NYU)免学费....又发福利!东京都立大学将“全额免除学费”,只需满足这些条件......纽约大学宣布:家庭年收入低于10万美元的新生(含国际生)学费全免!交了3980元学费,幼儿园开学5天就倒闭有的学校上着上着学校没了,有的学校上着上着学费没了,还有的学校在和白宫当邻居...年收入达到8.8万美元,却积累了3.6万美元的债务!网友直呼:美国生活成本太高啦!重磅!这所大学宣布!家庭年收入低于10万美元的新生学费全免!这些美国大学官宣: 免除学费!纽约大学:家庭年收入低于10万美元的新生(含国际生)学费全免!澳洲留学生薪资远低于本地毕业生!年收入甚至少了近$6万【教育】家庭年收入15w出国留学,我后悔了吗?重磅!这次包括国际生!纽约大学24Fall开始,家庭年收入低于10万美元的新生学费全免!喜讯!纽大明年秋季起豁免低收入家庭新生学费/密歇根大学公布新生数据,中国留学生人数稳居第一/重磅!威斯康星大学部分校区即将关闭明年起…纽约大学新生 年收入10万以下免学费独立屋低于100万元!多伦多这17个社区的房价低于平均!卷疯了!香港300万学费 vs 5万学费!教育课程竟然相同!重磅! 纽约大学医学院官宣免除学费, 这些大学都能免费上…好消息! 纽约大学官宣: 这些学生可以免除学费!本科生家庭年入低于8万美元可免费就读北卡大学最新!加拿大各省大学费用一览!这个省份的学费贵出天际!这几个专业的学生被坑惨...一百零七 系主任加拿大公布留学生和本地生学费!安省留学费$46,000,全加最高悉尼房价料再次飙升!年收入低于$29万恐难买独立屋,“$200万俱乐部”城区激增覆盖国际生!纽约大学官宣:家庭年收入低于10万美元的学生可免学费!注意!纽约大学新生,年收入10万以下免学费!!