



佛州州长罗恩-德桑蒂斯(Ron DeSantis)在距离新罕布什尔州初选不到48小时时宣布退出白宫竞选,并支持竞争对手唐纳德-川普(Donald Trump),这一举动令人震惊。











他还说:'川普比现任总统乔-拜登(Joe Biden)更胜一筹。这是显而易见的。


德桑蒂斯在爱荷华州初选表现不佳。CNN周日公布的民调显示,在即将举行共和党初选的新罕布什尔州,他的民调支持率更是掉到了个位数,只有6%. 川普和海莉的支持率分别为50%和39%.







↓↓↓ 上下滑动,查看演讲稿 ↓↓↓

Greetings from Florida!

The warmth of being home is a reminder of why I have chosen a life of public service – from joining the United States Navy and serving in Iraq – to representing the people in Congress – and now serving as governor. 

And it reminds me why I decided to run for President: to fight for those who have been forgotten in this country. 

This is America’s time for choosing.   

We can choose to allow a border invasion or we can choose to stop it. 

We can choose reckless borrowing and spending or we can choose to limit government and lower inflation. 

We can choose political indoctrination, or we can choose classical education. 

These choices are symptoms of the underlying struggle to ensure that constitutional government can endure and that Western Civilization can survive.   

We launched this campaign to bring accountability to government, regain sovereignty at our border, and restore sanity to our society.   

We cannot succeed as a country if we allow our nation to be invaded, our currency to be debased, our cities to crumble, and our kids to be indoctrinated.   

The DC elites who have facilitated this mess do not work for you, they do not care about you; they work for themselves.  They seek to accumulate power at your expense to pursue an agenda that is harmful to the American people. 

Citizens do not serve politicians; it is the duty of politicians to serve you.   

Talk is cheap.  Actions speak louder than words.   

Reversing the decline of this nation requires leadership that delivers big results for the people we are elected to serve.  

I have a record of leading with conviction, championing an agenda marked by bold colors, delivering on my promises, and defeating the people who are responsible for our nation’s decline. 

That is the type of leadership we need for all of America. 

Now over the past many months, Casey and I have traveled across the country to deliver a message of hope, that decline is a choice, and that we, in fact, can succeed again as a nation. 

Nobody worked harder.  And we left it all out on the field.   

Now following our second-place finish in Iowa, we have prayed and deliberated on the way forward.  If there was anything I could do to produce a favorable outcome — more campaign stops, more interviews — I would do it.  But I can’t ask our supporters to volunteer their time and donate their resources if we don’t have a clear path to victory. 

Accordingly, I am today suspending my campaign.   

I am proud to have delivered on 100% of my promises and I will not stop now.   

It’s clear to me that a majority of Republican primary voters want to give Donald Trump another chance.  They watched his presidency get stymied by relentless resistance and they see Democrats using lawfare to this day to attack him.  

While I have had disagreements with Donald Trump, such as on the coronavirus pandemic and his elevation of Anthony Fauci, Trump is superior to the current incumbent, Joe Biden.  That is clear.   I signed a pledge to support the Republican nominee and I will honor that pledge.   

He has my endorsement because we can’t go back to the old Republican guard of yesteryear -- a repackaged form of warmed-over corporatism -- that Nikki Haley represents. 

The days of putting Americans last, of kowtowing to large corporations, of caving to woke ideology, are over. 

I thank all of our passionate supporters who have stood by us through it all.  That we had people volunteer to come to Iowa in the middle of a blizzard to knock on doors and make phone calls touched us dearly. 

No candidate had more thrown at him, but no candidate had so many committed volunteers and staff. 

Finally, I want to thank my wife Casey and our kids Madison, Mason, and Mamie.  Casey has gone far above and beyond in her support for our campaign and for our cause.  She is not only a great wife and mother; she is a great American, who cares deeply about the future of the country that our kids will inherit. 

Our kids have seen and done a lot on the trail, from playing on the famed Field of Dreams baseball site in Iowa to making their first snowman in New Hampshire.    

They are one of the reasons we fight so hard for what we believe in.   

Winston Churchill once remarked that “success is not final, failure is not fatal — it is the courage to continue that counts.”   

While this campaign has ended, the mission continues.  Down here in Florida, we will continue to show the country how to lead.   

Thank you and God bless. 









华府消息|德桑蒂斯宣布退出总统竞选 特朗普党内优势进一步扩大对比强烈,故国归来话感恩"特朗普党内最大威胁"德桑蒂斯宣布退选:特朗普优于现任总统拜登,这是显而易见的…(附视频&演讲稿)云中船歌(古歌谣 The Skye Boat Song)附:以梦诗经体汉译美国|德桑蒂斯宣布退出总统竞选,转为支持川普德桑蒂斯退选内幕:既生瑜何生亮?华府消息|艾奥瓦初选特朗普大胜 德桑蒂斯第二 拉瓦斯瓦米退选民主制度和路边下棋"特朗普党内最大威胁"德桑蒂斯宣布退选突发!美国大选再生变,德桑蒂斯宣布退出,川普这样回应佛州州长德桑蒂斯退出2024年总统竞选,背书川普美国名品,中国制造共和党初选再洗牌!德桑蒂斯宣布退选 背书川普德桑蒂斯退选背书川普,黑利顶得住吗?获德桑蒂斯背书 川普这样回应最新全国性民调:特朗普扩大对德桑蒂斯领先优势!桑托斯拒辞职 警告若遭驱逐将开创国会先例!面临AI威胁,13种岗位可能会消失!突发!德桑蒂斯宣布退选,背书川普!观点 I 德桑蒂斯退选背书川普,黑利顶得住吗?突发!德桑蒂斯宣布退出总统竞选,转为支持川普最新全国性民调:特朗普扩大对德桑蒂斯领先优势德桑蒂斯大胜!迪士尼针对佛州州长的诉讼遭驳回德桑蒂斯宣布退选,特朗普稳了吗?得州与美联邦政府武装对峙真相,德桑蒂斯要增兵、特朗普火上浇油!吃火鸡共和党初选再洗牌!德桑蒂斯宣布退选,背书川普!"蜗牛也是牛"!千亿公募"黄金搭档":用"蜗牛态度"做固收,挖掘"善良"的金融逻辑川普狂胜新罕布什尔州;拜登:川普将成为共和党提名人纽森和德桑蒂斯“红蓝州大辩论” ,近500万人观战不同寻常,佛州州长德桑蒂斯和加州州长纽森“杠上了”!拜登续推学生债务减免 再免除近50亿元 7.4万人受益 川普若获共和党提名角逐总统 海理:我不当副手支持特朗普!德桑蒂斯宣布退出总统竞选94岁亿万富翁和黑名贵创始人争相背书川普;川普被判有罪也会捐款首战告捷!特朗普在爱荷华州初选中大获全胜,佛州州长德桑蒂斯遗憾落选……德桑提斯退出竞选后,特朗普几乎锁定了共和党提名重磅!佛州州长德桑蒂斯退出总统党内初选,转而支持“死敌”特朗普!