不止如此! 本周纽约市长亚当斯宣布计划斥资10亿美元翻新39个公共泳池,还会建造两个新的室内泳池、翻新另外三个泳池。这么大手笔的公共泳池投资,是自20世纪70年代以来最贵的一次。 纽约市公共户外泳池将每天开放,时间为上午11点至下午3点,以及下午4点至晚上7点,中间的一个小时是泳池的清洁时间。室外泳池一直会开放至9月8日。 完整免费户外泳池名单和地址: 布朗克斯Claremont Pool (170th Street and Clay Avenue)Crotona Pool (173rd Street and Fulton Avenue)Edenwald Houses Pool (Schieffelin Avenue and East 229th Street)Floating Pool (Tiffany Street and Viele Avenue)Foster Pool (East 164th Street between Jerome and River Avenues)Haffen Pool (Ely and Burke Avenues)Mapes Pool (East 180th Street between Mapes and Prospect Avenues)Thompson Pool (East 174th Street and Bronx River Avenue)Van Cortlandt Pool (West 242nd Street and Broadway) 布鲁克林Besty Head Pool (Boyland, Livonia, Dumont Avenues)Bushwick Pool (Humboldt Street, Flushing, and Bushwick Avenues)Commodore Barry Pool (Flushing and Park Avenues, Navy and North Elliot Streets)David Fox/ PS 251 Pool (East 54th Street and Avenue H)Douglass and DeGraw Pool (Third Avenue and Nevins Street)Glenwood Houses Pool (Farragut Road and Ralph Avenue)Howard Pool (Glenmore and Mother Gaston Boulevard, East New York Avenue)Jesse Owens Pool (Stuyvesant Avenue)Kosciuszko Pool (Marcy Avenue, between DeKalb Avenue and Kosciuszko Street)Lindower Park Pool (East 60th Street, Mill Road, and Strickland Avenue)McCarren Park Pool (McCarren Park)PS 20 Playground Pool (Between Claremont Avenue and Adelphi Street)Red Hook Pool (Bay and Henry Streets)Sunset Park Pool (Seventh Avenue between 41st and 44th Streets) 曼哈顿Abe Lincoln Pool (5th Avenue and East 135th Street)Asser Levy Pool (Asser Levy Place and East 23rd Street)Dry Dock Pool (East 10th Street between Avenues C and D)Frederick Douglass Pool (Amsterdam Avenue between 1000th and 102nd Streets)Hamilton Fish Pool (Pitt Street and Houston Street)Highbridge Pool (Amsterdam Avenue and West 173rd Street)Jackie Robinson Pool (Bradhurst Avenue and West 146th Street)John Jay Pool (East of York Avenue on 77th Street)Marcus Garvey Pool (124th Street and Fifth Avenue)Sheltering Arms (West 129th Street and Amsterdam Avenue)Thomas Jefferson Pool (East 112th Street and First Avenue)Vesuvio Pool (Thompson Street between Spring and Prince Streets)Wagner Pool (East 124th Street between First and Second Avenues) 皇后区Astoria Pool (19th Street and 23rd Drive)Fisher Pool (99th Street and 32nd Avenue)Fort Totten Pool (338 Story Avenue)Liberty Pool (173rd Street and 106th Avenue)Marie Curie Park Pool (211th Street and 46th Avenue)PS 186 Playground Pool (Little Neck Parkway and 72nd Avenue)Windmuller Pool (54th Street and 39th Road) 史丹顿岛Faber Pool (Faber Street and Richmond Terrace)General Douglas Pool (Jefferson Street and Seaver Avenue)Lyons Pool (Pier 6 and Victory Boulevard)Maggie Howard Pool (Tompkins Avenue between Hill and Broad Streets)PS 46 Playground Pool (Parkinson Avenue and Kramer Street)Tottenville Pool (Hylan Boulevard and Joline Avenue)West Brighton Pool (Henderson Avenue between Broadway and Chappel Streets) 想寻找靠近你的游泳池,可以点阅读原文查看~ 【本文由纽约潮爆编辑整理,资料来源自secretNYC,不代表本公众号立场,图源网络,版权归原作者所有,未经许可不得擅自转载。】 往期推荐 ☞纽约7大地标集体官宣:今夏200+场免费演唱会来了! ☞喜大普奔!纽约拥堵费不收了!无限期推迟! ☞今天开始!纽约公车自动开罚单,被拍无所遁形 ☞夏天就要出门浪!纽约6月免费活动,每周末都有! ☞纽约闹市升起“巨石魔方”!花20年砸了5亿,内有大乾坤... ☞纽约赌场最后五强!最新方案各显神通,竞争白热化! ☞十年后,纽约会变怎样?第1条就看哭了 分享、点赞、在看,喜欢我们就点点吧