第一步,Google 搜索 WWS CAREER
点开网页,你可以选择任何你想工作的类型,地点和潜在工作地点离你所居住的区域的距离。网站会根据你的要求提供可选的职位。(由于Big W 和 Woolworths 同属一家公司,我们也可以在这个网站申请Big W的职位,他们的求职申请流程,薪水、工时等制度和Woolworths都是一样的。)搜索WWS Career 并打开网站后,你可以注册/登陆一个WWS 求职账号,正式进入求职流程。向心仪岗位提交你的英文简历后,你可以查询所有申请的岗位状态和下一个步骤。在这里,你需要填写自己的税号和养老金账号。你还可以选择工服类型和工牌昵称。税号申请——搜索https://www.au-taxservices.com or 网页直接搜索🔍 TFN养老金账号申请——网页直接搜索 Superannuation, 随便一家养老金公司注册账号。每当申请职位之后,系统会发送笔试和线上AI面试链接。这里提醒大家,可以短时间内多申请几个岗位,就只用经历一遍笔试和面试啦~1.您有哪一次不遗余力地帮助他人,改善了他们的生活?
Customers are our number one priority, it’s all about making sure the customer has the best shopping experience. Tell us about a time you went out of your way to make a difference to someone that improved their day?2.描述一次你错过截止时间或承诺的情况。这让你感觉如何?
Describe a time when you missed a deadline or personal commitment. How did that make you feel?3.描述你一次遭遇改变的经历。
We are always hungry to learn and do things differently. Give an example of a time you have had to deal with change, professionally or personally.4.描述一次你帮助团队成员或者其他人的经历。
Tell us about a time when you have rolled up your sleeves to help out your team or someone else.5.描述你面对难缠的人的经历。
Have you ever dealt with someone difficult? How did you handle the situation? You can draw on your experience at work, at school or any group activity.AI面试也非常简单,大家完全不用担心,每道题一分钟可以反复录制五次。紧张的同学还可以分屏偷瞄几眼自己准备的文稿。1.自我介绍和你的工作动机
Tell us about yourself and what has motivated you to apply for a job at Woolworths Group?2.对你来说,良好的客户服务是什么样的? 你如何展现这种服务?
What does good customer service look like to you, and how would you show good customer service?3.分享团队合作经历,你喜欢团队合作什么地方?
Can you tell us about an example of when you had to work with others? What do you like about working in a team? This include examples from previous jobs, sports teams or at school?4.你的可工作时间。
Please specify what days and times you are regularly available to work.5.你有其他工作吗? 有不能工作的时间吗?
What other commitments outside of school or work do you currently have? Are there any times that you could not be available for work?6.你还有其他问题和需要分享的吗?
Before we finish, is there anything else you would like us to know? Please use this as an opportunity to talk about anything you may not have had the chance to share with us yet?接下来,如果收到邮件要求你提供护照签证等证件,基本上就稳啦!!!正式上班之前,还会有一个三小时的线上视频培训(Virtual Induction)。就是看看视频刷刷题,非常简单,入职之后也时常会有类似的培训。这里推荐一下WWS职位中的 “Team member”, 或者 “ Front-end Team member”。主要职责是收银,卖烟,话费礼品卡充值,补充收银台附近的饮料柜台,和补充袋子等等。这个岗位体力方面压力较小,工作时间也比较正常,操作简单,还可以锻炼英语,比较适合咱们留子宝宝。