梁朝伟 \'很享受王家衛攝影手法--NG的过程!

梁朝伟 \'很享受王家衛攝影手法--NG的过程!

王家衛BBSJP(英語:Wong Kar Wai,王家衛第一部電影是《旺角卡門》
梁朝伟 "很享受王家衛攝影手法--NG的过程!"












王家衛的電影,多被形容為浪漫,題材多是探討愛情為主。王家衛導演的電影都是以文藝性質居多,並非大部分人所喜好,更有部分人甚至業內人士常批評他的電影沉悶、難懂[28],甚至批評故事支離破碎,毫無內容[29]。但其作品在互聯網電影數據庫(IMDb)、爛番茄(Rotten Tomatoes)等網站也都有很好的評價,但也因為他所執導拍攝的電影工作時間太長、進度太慢,部份藝人、演員的支持者、粉絲都在抗議,認為他們的偶像為了王家衛的新片拍攝導致無法在其他活動、媒體上曝光,間接降低了人氣、知名度。

Wong Kar-wai BBS (born 17 July 1958) is a Hong Kong film director, screenwriter, and producer. His films are characterised by nonlinear narratives, atmospheric music, and vivid cinematography involving bold, saturated colours. A pivotal figure of Hong Kong cinema, Wong is considered a contemporary auteur, and ranks third on Sight & Sound's 2002 poll of the greatest filmmakers of the previous 25 years. His films frequently appear on best-of lists domestically and internationally.

Breakthrough (1994–1995)[edit]

Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Wong's frequent leading man
Andy Lau starred in Wong's debut, the crime film As Tears Go By (1988)
elaborate on "唐嫣是最懂王家卫的“Ng”的。"


film making what is NG process?

In filmmaking, "NG" stands for "No Good" or "Not Good," and it refers to a take that is deemed unsatisfactory by the director, cinematographer, or another member of the production team. When a shot is designated as "NG," it means that it did not meet the desired standards in terms of performance, technical quality, continuity, or any other aspect relevant to the scene being filmed. After determining that a take is "NG," the director may choose to redo the shot until they achieve the desired result, at which point it is considered a "good" or "print" take.

my AHA moment was "NG happened for the best." give me examples to illustrate

Certainly! Here are some examples to illustrate the idea of "NG (No Good) happened for the best":

  1. Audition Rejection: An actor auditions for a role in a film but is rejected during the casting process. Initially disappointed, they later discover that the film they didn't get cast in encountered numerous production issues and received negative reviews upon release. This rejection turned out to be a blessing in disguise as it saved them from being associated with a poorly received project.

  2. Failed Business Venture: An entrepreneur launches a startup company with high hopes for success but encounters various setbacks and ultimately faces failure. Despite the disappointment, they realize that the experience taught them valuable lessons about business management, market analysis, and resilience. They go on to apply these lessons to their next venture, which becomes highly successful.

  3. Relationship Breakup: A person goes through a painful breakup with their partner, feeling devastated and heartbroken initially. However, as time passes, they come to realize that the relationship was unhealthy and stifled their personal growth. The breakup ultimately allows them to focus on self-discovery, pursue their passions, and find fulfillment in other aspects of life.

  4. Academic Setback: A student receives a low grade on an important exam despite their diligent preparation and effort. Initially discouraged, they use this setback as motivation to reassess their study habits, seek additional support from teachers or tutors, and develop stronger critical thinking skills. Over time, they not only improve their academic performance but also gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

  5. Career Change: An individual loses their job unexpectedly due to company downsizing. While initially feeling uncertain and anxious about their future, they take this as an opportunity to explore new career paths, reassess their skills and interests, and pursue a career that aligns more closely with their passions and values. In hindsight, losing their previous job was a catalyst for positive change and personal growth.

In each of these examples, the initial disappointment or setback (the "NG") ultimately leads to positive outcomes and personal growth, demonstrating that sometimes what may seem like a failure or disappointment at the time can turn out to be a necessary stepping stone towards a better future.

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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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