【听歌练听力】电影 “Titanic” 主题曲 “My Heart Will Go On”

【听歌练听力】电影 “Titanic” 主题曲 “My Heart Will Go On”


演唱:Celine Dion

Every night in my dreams I see you, I feel you That is how I know you go on
Far across the distance And spaces between us You have come to show you go on
Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on Once more, you open the door And you're here in my heart And my heart will go on and on
Love can touch us one time And last for a lifetime And never let go 'til we're gone
Love was when I loved you One true time I'd hold to In my life, we'll always go on
Near, far, wherever you are I believe that the heart does go on (why does the heart go on?) Once more, you open the door And you're here in my heart And my heart will go on and on
You're here, there's nothing I fear And I know that my heart will go on We'll stay forever this way You are safe in my heart and My heart will go on and on


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来源: 文学城-康赛欧
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