At your fifty years old, you know the will of havens, do you?

At your fifty years old, you know the will of havens, do you?


In several previous articles, I extensively discussed my attitude of tolerance towards subordinates and the reasons for compromising in the face of challenges and contradictions. This mindset stems from my personal professional and life experiences, as well as some profound insights gained during these experiences. However, my insights into life come more from events seemingly unrelated to my work and life experiences, events that, to some extent, touched me and made me more open and tolerant.

The most profound revelations came from some videos I watched on YouTube. I appreciate martial arts films, love stories, historical and war films, but what fascinates me the most are documentaries about the universe and life, such as "Journey to the Edge of the Universe," "The Big Bang," and "The Origin of Life." These films touched my soul, prompting deep reflections on life.

These documentaries catalyzed my inner self, providing me with a deeper understanding of life. I realized that life is short and precious, and we should not waste time on meaningless disputes and troubles. More importantly, we should make time to share with family and loved ones, not letting work replace life or confuse the two. My neighbor, engaged in manual labor, has a family filled with laughter, and the children are healthy and lively.

This made me ponder; the achievements at work are not necessarily linked to the quality of life. The key is to find balance in the brief journey of life, cherish the emotional bonds between people, and not be troubled by trivial matters, but rather experience those sincere and beautiful moments in life.

"Journey to the Edge of the Universe" is a documentary produced by the National Geographic Channel. It is not just a space journey but a profound exploration of the vast space and breathtaking celestial bodies. Through stunning visual effects and scientific revelations, this documentary takes the audience across space, revealing the wonders and mysteries of the universe.

From the edge of the solar system to distant galaxies, the documentary covers astonishing phenomena of different scales and sizes in the universe. The captivating narrative and visual effects allow viewers to experience various wonders in space, including planets, stars, nebulae, galaxies, and other magnificent structures.

In this documentary, I couldn't help but contemplate the meaning of life. Human life is just a brief moment of the Earth orbiting the sun, yet the birth of life and the emergence of highly intelligent life have been a long gestation of billions of years. Life on Earth has undergone several mass extinctions, evolving into today's highly intelligent and civilized human society.

However, in modern society, it seems we have forgotten the origin and essence of life. For the trivialities of daily life, we struggle in the worldly distractions of food, housing, and money. Rulers have also gradually lost sight of the original intention of governing the country, forgetting that they are representatives of the people, servants rather than masters, and certainly not saviors dictating the fate of the people. Vicious wars, intimidation, and exploitation dominate, overlooking the fact that humans are products of stellar explosions because the human body contains precious metals produced during star explosions.

In this process, ordinary people also forget the essence of being human. Chasing fame and wealth, even resorting to deception and fraud, just to gain wealth. Looking back at history, many emperors, scholars, beautiful women, and high-ranking officials have left behind many enduring stories, but did they truly live happily? We should reflect and cherish the true essence of life, using the miracles of the universe as a mirror to examine the true values of human society. Whenever I lose myself, I immerse myself again in those films. They are like revelations, revealing the deep mysteries of life to me. Life is like a journey through the universe, and every time I rewatch these films, they bring new insights, as if traversing the interstellar space, and each celestial body contains unique wisdom.

There is a proverb that says, "At your fifty years old, you know the will of heavens," and I feel as if I have touched the subtle threads of destiny. Destiny is not unchanging but evolves with the passage of time. I gradually understand that destiny is not passive waiting for the arrangements of fate but finding inner balance through continuous self-realization, understanding the power of the universe, and the laws of nature.

Therefore, I realize that my destiny is to adapt to nature and go with the flow. The universe operates with its own laws, and we are part of the universe. In each viewing, I draw wisdom from the films, understanding the fragility and unpredictability of life. In this boundless universe, we may be insignificant, but in this tiny existence, we have the opportunity to perceive the true essence of life.

As a result, I learned to go with the flow, learn from the universe, and face the twists and turns of life naturally. Going with the flow is not submitting to fate but finding one's place in the grand tide of the universe, embracing change, and accepting the fluctuations of life. Following destiny is to comprehend a kind of tranquility and composure in the rhythm of the universe, allowing the inner stars to twinkle incessantly in the grandeur of the universe.

This realization makes me understand that everyone's destiny is unique, just as each star has its own trajectory. In the journey of pursuing destiny, we may get lost, but it is in this loss that we discover broader possibilities. Therefore, I choose to go with the flow in the vastness of the universe, protect the inner stars, and fearlessly face the unknowns of life.

(The artificial was written originally in Chinese and translated by ChatGPT)

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来源: 文学城-美国1号
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