

黑白是时装界永恒的设计主题。这是我几年前为自己设计的一个系列。画系列时,我喜欢一气呵成,而且,服装是设计的重点,所以我爱将人的脸简单忽略掉。每个人都有自己的muse, 空白的脸反倒予人想象的空间,正如中国画的留白效果一样。

设计师并不一定要会画得一手好画,关键是品味和ideas. 在大公司,完全是一个team effort, 画图可能是最不重要得一个环节了。很多的公司,都设有一个AD部来负责。但是,我是很享受整个创造的过程, 喜欢自己亲力亲为-自娱自乐!

Lorde- Glory and Gore

There's a humming in the restless summer air
And we're slipping off the course that we prepared
But in all chaos, there is calculation
Dropping glasses just to hear them break
You've been drinking like the world was gonna end (it didn't)
Took a shiner from the fist of your best friend (go figure)
It's clear that someone's gotta go
We mean it but I promise we're not mean

And the cry goes out
They lose their minds for us
And how it plays out 
Now we're in the ring
And we're coming for blood

You could try and take us (oh-oh)
But we're the gladiators (Oh! Oh!)
Everyone a rager (oh-oh)
But secretly they're saviors
Glory and gore go hand in hand
That's why we're making headlines (Oh! Oh!)
You could try and take us (oh-oh)
But victory's contagious

Delicate in every way but one (the swordplay)
God knows we like archaic kinds of fun (the old way)
Chance is the only game I play with, baby
We let our battles choose us

No-one round here's good at keeping their eyes closed
The sun's starting to light up when we're walking home
Tired little laughs, gold-lie promises, we'll always win at this
I don't ever think about death
It's alright if you do, it's fine
We gladiate but I guess we're really fighting ourselves
Roughing up our minds so we're ready when the kill time comes
Wide awake in bed, words in my brain, 
"Secretly you love this do you even wanna go free?"
Let me in the ring, I'll show you what that big word means
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来源: 文学城-一生似浮云