17 Natural Ways To Improve Your Eyesight

17 Natural Ways To Improve Your Eyesight



1. The Spinach Power: 

Spinach is rich in not only vitamins A, B, C, E and minerals such as iron and zinc, but also in lutein and zeaxanthin, the chemical components that help keep the eyes healthy. Eating spinach on a daily basis can prevent disorders like macular degeneration and cataract. Spinach also helps to keep the corneas healthy. Many people despise the way spinach tastes and smells. But you can surely get past the smell by adding a zing to spinach. Add raw spinach to your fruit smoothies. The sweetness and flavor of luscious fruits like strawberries and currants camouflage the taste of spinach really well, while maintaining its nutrient content. You can make a spinach soup or cook it with pulses. Sandwiches and lasagnas containing fresh spinach taste heavenly. So why not add a twist to spinach and include it in your diet for a sharper vision?

2. Carrots:

Carrots are a gorgeous and wholesome vegetable. They are so versatile and give a dish an amazing color. Apart from being scrumptious, carrots are loaded with beta-carotene, which later transforms into vitamin A, which enhances the general wellbeing of the eyes. You can find several recipes of carrot soups in the internet. Add it to the curries and pair it up with other veggies. You can derive maximum nourishment from raw carrots, since the cooking process slightly deteriorates its nutritional profile. Munch on a carrot whenever you get an urge to snack or add it to your salads. But remember to drink lots of water, because carrots are high in fiber content.

[ Read: Benefits Of Carrots For Health ]

3. Broccolicious!

Broccoli is one of the super-foods with amazing health benefits. Including this food is another natural way to improve eyesight! Like spinach, broccoli too contains vitamin B, lutein and zeaxanthin. These nutrients not only conserve vision, but also help improve it. Eating broccoli helps keep exhaustion, soreness and blurred vision at bay. When the eyes are not subjected to a lot of stress, they perform better for longer. Broccoli promotes healthy eyesight by strengthening the eyes and reducing eye fatigue. Baked, grilled, sautéed or raw—broccoli tastes delicious any way. Toss in a floret or two in your salad, or puree it to make a soup, you can incorporate the goodness of broccoli in your diet in numerous ways.

4. Fish: 

Oily fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and sardine are packed with the healthy omega-3 fatty acids. These work like an anti-oxidant, protecting your eyes from damage caused by the free-radicals in the body. The omega-3 fatty acids prevent dryness of the eyes that is generally caused by use of contact lenses. Eat fish at least twice a week for a noticeable improvement in your vision within a few months. Baking or grilling is the best method of cooking these fish, which keeps its nutrient content intact. For a change, you can even make a sandwich by stuffing the grilled fish between two slices of wholegrain bread and some lettuce, mayo and seasoning. Who can say no to a properly made tuna fish sandwich?

5. The Power of Avocado:

Avocado is yet another veggie that contains lutein and beta-carotene. It is loaded with vitamin B, C and E as well. As I mentioned before, lutein works wonders for your eyes. It is a photochemical that brings down your eyes’ sensitivity towards light. This ultimately reduces the strain on the eyes and promotes healthy vision in the long run. Make some guacamole and enjoy the guilt-free dip with your favorite nachos. Or how about a luscious and creamy avocado soup? Regular consumption is a best way to improve eyesight!

[ Read: Benefits Of Avocado For Health ]

6. The Very Berry Goodness: 

Berries are bursting with not only tangy flavors, but also with the goodness of abundant antioxidants. They contain a component named rhodopsin, which accelerates cellular regeneration that is vital for maintaining healthy eyes. The nutrients found in berries like blackberries, cranberries, and blueberries fortify the blood vessels and improve the blood circulation throughout the body, including the eyes. This also keeps swelling and irritation of eyes at bay and enhances the quality of your vision.

7. Go Nuts!

Like fish, nuts too contain omega-3 fatty acids that keep your eyesight on track. So, don’t shy away from gorging on a handful of almonds, walnuts or cashews. Avoid eating roasted or processed nut. Go for fresh and raw nuts instead.

8. Eat Chocolates, See Better:

Chocolates, particularly the dark ones, are rich in flavonoid, a sort of anti-oxidant which is good for the retina and cornea. A piece of dark chocolate twice a week won’t hurt. So go ahead and indulge yourself in the sinful goodness of chocolate.

9. Who Wants Eggs?

Eggs comprise of a lot of proteins. Proteins are the building blocks of our body. If you want the cellular regeneration process in your eyes to take place at a right pace, you need to supply your body with high-quality proteins. The egg yolk is surely a winner in this case. Why not crack up an egg or two and make a sunny-side-up in the capsicum ring to make a funky breakfast?

Taking Care of the Eyes:

10. Blink More Often:

Blinking your eyes after every few seconds is the best way to reduce straining and fatigue of the eyes. It is the easiest and unfortunately the most neglected exercise for the eyes. As you blink, the eyes go into the dark phase for a moment, which keeps them fresh and releases stress. It’s like giving your eyes a break so that they can focus better for longer. People using computers often forget to blink their eyes, because they are so engrossed in whatever they are doing. You must blink your eyes every 4-5 seconds to avoid fatigue, strain, and irritation.

11. Rotating Exercise with Eyes Open:

Circling the eyes is a great way to get rid of any stiffness and fatigue. It’s a really simple exercise, but a best way to improve eyesight.  Sit down comfortably. You need to rotate your eyes as your look up, sideways and down. First rotate your eyes clockwise five times. Then do the same in an anti-clockwise manner. This routine will ease any stiffness in the muscles around the eyes, making them flexible and ultimately reducing the stress on the eyes that otherwise can worsen your vision over time.

12. Rotating Exercise with Eyes Closed:

This is a very therapeutic workout for the eyes. This workout is just the same as the one mentioned above, but needs to be performed with closed eyes. Gently close your eyes as you sit back or lie down. Move your eyes in a circular motion in a clockwise and a then anticlockwise direction five times each. The purpose is to relieve the eye muscles, strengthen the blood vessels and amplify the blood circulation and supply of oxygen.

13. Working on Focus:

This is a very interesting and equally effective workout for the eyes and takes just a couple of minutes. A fastest way to improve eyesight! You need to sit down comfortably. Extend your hand and focus on your index finger. Focus on it for a few seconds. Now shift your focus from the finger to another object placed at a distance of ten feet. Focus on that object for a few seconds and come back to the finger again. Continue this exercise for 2 minutes to reinforce the muscles around the eyes and enhance your eyesight.

14. Maintaining Focus: 

This is a variation of the above mentioned exercise. When seated in a comfortable position, stretch your arm in front of you and stick your index finger up and straight. Focus on the finger. Now, slowly bring the finger closer to your face till it’s just 4 inches away. Now stretch out your arm again. Try maintaining the focus on the moving finger. If done regularly, this exercise improves your eyesight to a considerable extent over a period of time.

[ Read: Remedies For Sunken Eyes ]

15. Palming:

This is not particularly an exercise, but it relaxes your eyes as well as the mind. It is a great way to take a break from the computer or the TV. Sit in a chair in front of a table. Take a couple of deep breaths. Bend forward a little to rest your elbows on the desk. Slightly fold over your hands to form a cup with your palms. Place the palms on your eyes so that your fingertips touch your forehead and the heel of your hand is on the cheeks. Do not exert pressure on your eyes with your palms. Make sure you can blink with ease in the cup of your palms. Take slow deep breaths. You will be amazed with how relaxed you feel after resting your eyes like that.

16. Apply a Little Pressure: 

This is also an exercise that relieves stiffness and fatigue of the eye muscles, making you feel at ease. It involves applying light pressure with your fingertips on some areas of your face, particularly those above the eyes. You need to be comfortably seated with eyes closed. Slightly curl your fingers so that all the four fingertips are in alignment. Place the fingertips on the area above each eye, i.e., just above the eyebrows. You have to place them in such a way that the index fingers touch the inner end of the eyebrows. Apply a gentle pressure with your fingertips on that area and smoothly make your way towards the outer side of the eyebrows, i.e., towards the temple. Come back to the inner side of the eyebrows again. Repeat the motion 10 times and you will feel really refreshed.

17. Splash!

We never forget to wash our face several times in a day. But it is important to wash the eyes too, particularly every night before going to bed and every morning after waking up. You can use water that is at room temperature. During winters, you can use lukewarm water because chilled water can make your eyes dry. Use drinking water for this splashing routine. Splashing your eyes with water will wash out the dust and dirt and provide moisture as well.

When it comes to improving vision, a combination of right food, exercise and taking proper care of the eyes can yield favorable results. Proper nutrition strengthens your eyes while proper exercise de-stresses your extra-ocular muscles. Healthy muscles and enhanced blood circulation promotes healthier vision. The key to an enhanced vision is perseverance and patience, because there is no short-cut to improved eyesight when you take the natural path.

While it is not quite possible to eliminate the vision problem altogether, you can definitely bring the power of your eyeglasses down by several points in a matter of few months. You must wear your spectacles, whenever needed. Many people don’t wear spectacles, thinking that it hides the beauty of their overall look. However, not wearing spectacles can lead to further deterioration of vision. So, stick to your glasses, eat healthy, give your eyes a gentle workout and slowly but surely, your eyesight will improve!

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