2014 - 瑞士(二)- ZURICH

2014 - 瑞士(二)- ZURICH


Sat May 24 Zurich

从天气预报网站得知第二天卢塞恩是个晴天, 这是看雪山的重要条件,于是决定今天游览苏黎世, 明天去卢塞恩。

昨晚LG一动不动地睡了11小时,女儿还在酣睡的时候, 我们老两口先转转酒店周边。




睡了13小时,放了三遍john legend All of me,女儿才被叫醒。一家三口按计划先逛街,从火车站为起点的班霍夫大街Bahnhofstrasse 位于利玛特河Limmate Rive的西岸, 是个购物步行街。位于班霍夫大街南端的Confiserie Sprüngli Confiserie Sprüngli AG Bahnhofstrasse 21 8001 Zürich是今天的重点之一。

吃中午饭, 买巧克力和Luxemburgerli,感觉无论是点心还是巧克力, 名不虚传, 及其美味。就连餐后免费赠送的黑巧克力都非常好吃。女儿正式宣布, 现在她最喜欢的巧克力品牌是Sprüngli 其实SprüngliLindt1836年开始是一家, 1892年才分开的。





附近的圣母大教堂Fraumünster Church Münsterhof 2 8001 Zürich教堂广场正在举办返古农业展, 商贩们身着中世纪服饰, 展示男耕女织, 打铁射猎的历史, 同时出售土特产, 美酒烤肉飘香, 还有孩子喜欢的游戏, 十分热闹。




苏黎世,上下两千年。据说是欧洲最富有的城市。喜欢它的淳朴小巷,透着熟悉的亲切;也喜欢它的喧嚣商业街,透着繁华的魅力。无论是逛街,还是坐在街边的长椅上晒太阳,最感染我们的,还是它的悠然自得。不知是还在沉醉于Sprüngli的甜蜜回味之中, 还是偶遇结婚彩车从身边经过,女儿开玩笑说,她可能到这办婚礼。LG 说:孩子,我得提醒你,婚礼的钱,好象是女方出。。。




一路散步来到Lindenhof公园, 是个小小的山顶公园,俯瞰苏黎世, 景色不错。


游人很多, 也有当地人在悠闲地下象棋,将酒瓶冰镇在身旁的小喷泉中, 边玩边饮, 还有什么比这更让人陶醉的吗?




晚餐高大上的Restaurant Zunfthaus zur Waag, Munsterhof 8, Zurich 8001, Switzerland (155.8瑞士法郎),  此行最贵的一餐, 七百年的老建筑, 环境优雅, 服务一流。

据说苏黎世的夜景也十分漂亮,但几天来四处奔波比较疲倦, 一直没有机会出来拍照, 看女儿对ETH很感兴趣的样子, 没准儿会来这里做交换学生学习半年, 小小遗憾留待那时再说吧。


Confiserie Sprüngli

The Confiserie Sprüngli, is a Swiss luxury confectionery manufacturer founded in 1836 and internationally known for its signature macaroons called "Luxemburgerli". The company was founded in 1836when Rudolf Sprüngli bought a confectioner's shop inZürich. He started producing chocolates, as David Sprüngli & Fils, in 1845 and opened the shop on Paradeplatz in 1859. In 1892, the chocolate-producing branch of the business split off from the confectionery and now operates independently as Lindt & Sprüngli.

In 1956, Richard Sprüngli took over the confiserie and positioned it as a luxury brand.A year later, Sprüngli sold the first Luxemburgerli, a sort of macaroon invented by a Sprüngli confectioner from Luxembourg; they are now the company's flagship product of which about 650 kilograms (1,430 lb) are produced daily.Since 1994, the family-owned company is led by the brothers Tomas and Milan Prenosil, sixth-generation descendants of Rudolf Sprüngli.

Tips: Take a seat in Switzerland’s most famous coffee house – either in the refined, traditional first-floor rooms, or down in the bustling street-level café – and order the legendary Birchermüesli, along with a couple of the famous Luxemburgerli macaroons.

Old Town (Altstadt)

Old Town (Altstadt), Zürich's historic section features cobblestone streets, a variety of small stores and restaurants and many of the city's most significant religious landmarks.

Lindenhof (Lindenhofplatz), is a nice quiet park, overlooking the city; where Rietberg Museum is located. historical site of the Roman castle, and the later Carolingian Kaiserpfalz. It is situated on the Lindenhof hill, on the left side of the LimmatRiver at the Schipfe. From this tree-shaded square high above the River Limmat, you enjoy sweeping views across the rooftops of Zürich, taking in its churches, romantic Old Town, pretty lake shores – reaching all the way to the Alps. Directly below the Lindenhof, along the Limmat, stretches one of Zürich’s oldest and most picturesque quarters: the Schipfe, home to longestablished workshops and small boutiques selling quality products.


1.     Didi's Frieden, Stampfenbachstrasse 32, Zurich 8006, Switzerlandm, 044 253 18 10 (5 min from hotel, reservation )

2.     Zunfthauszur Waag, Munsterhof 8, Zurich 8001, Switzerland, +41-44-216-9966

When in Zürich, be sure to sample its most famous dish, Zürcher Geschnetzeltes: sliced veal in a cream sauce, served with Rösti.A particularly tasty version is prepared at the traditional “Zunfthauszur Waag”, a historic guild house dating from 1315. Dining venues here include the magnificent Zunft-Saal (the original guildhall), and the intimate, walnut-panelled Zunft-Stübli; the menu also features other local delicacies, such as fillets of perch from Lake Zürich, fried in butter.

3.     Hummer & Austernbar Zurich, Bahnhofstrasse 87, Zurich 8023, Switzerland, 044 227 76 21

4.     Cafe Schober (Old Town), Napfgasse 4, Zurich --  flammenkuchen, quiche

5.     Bar Rimini, Badweg 10, Zurich, Switzerland,

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来源: 文学城-心灵之游