

来源: 谢谢!!
美国,保健品不是药,不用经过FDA批准才上市的,FDA不管这些营养补充剂,只干涉它们不可宣称有治病功效.所以要买supplements,买USP Verified标志的. 所谓的成分含量检验,也不需要在指定的经过认证的实验室做,所以结果,就凭制造商的良心!能不吃就不吃,尽量均衡饮食。

在加拿大可以买有NPN 标识的产品。厂家在申请NPN 的时候必须提供很多的检验结果,包括有效成分和各类残留,而且为了保持NPN有效也必须每年提供至少一批产品的检验结果,当然检验结果必须和Label一致。理论上在加拿大任何药店卖的草药或维生素都必须有NPN标识。

What’s in Those Supplements?

Target's “Up and Up” brand of St. Johns Wort and Valerian root contained none of those ingredients.
Credit Yana Paskova for The New York Times

The New York State attorney general’s office accused four national retailers on Monday of selling dietary supplements that were fraudulent and in many cases contaminated with unlisted ingredients.

The authorities said they had run tests on popular store brands of herbal supplements at the retailers — Walmart, Walgreens, Target and GNC — which showed that roughly four out of five of the products contained none of the herbs listed on their labels. In many cases, the authorities said, the supplements contained little more than cheap fillers like rice and house plants, or substances that could be hazardous to people with food allergies.官方表示:多数情况下这些补充剂里除了填塞了些诸如大米以及常见室内植物之类的廉价成分之外,并没有太多真材实料。有些甚至还含有对食物过敏者可能有害的物质。

At GNC, for example, the agency found that five out of six samples from the company’s signature “Herbal Plus” brand of supplements “were either unrecognizable or a substance other than what they claimed to be.” In pills labeled ginkgo biloba, the agency found only rice, asparagus and spruce, an ornamental plant commonly used for Christmas decorations.

At Target, the agency tested six herbal products from its popular “Up and Up” store brand of supplements. Three out of six – including ginkgo biloba, St. John’s wort and valerian root, a sleep aid – tested negative for the herbs listed on their labels. But the agency did find that the pills contained powdered rice, beans, peas and wild carrots.

Here are the products that were analyzed by the attorney general, along with the test results that were described in cease-and-desist letters that the agency sent to the four retailers.


From GNC, Herbal Plus brand:

Gingko Biloba银杏叶

  • No gingko biloba found 未发现银杏叶
  • Did detect allium (garlic), rice, spruce and asparagus检测到大蒜、大米、云杉和芦笋等成分

St. John’s Wort 圣约翰草

  • No St. John’s Wort found未发现圣约翰草
  • Did detect allium (garlic), rice and dracaena (a tropical houseplant)检测到大蒜、大米和龙血树属植物(一种热带室内植物)


  • No ginseng found未发现人参
  • Did detect rice, dracaena, pine, wheat/grass and citrus检测到大米、龙血树属植物、松、小麦/草和柑橘


  • Contained garlic含有大蒜


  • No echinacea found未发现紫锥菊
  • Did detect rice in some samples在一些样品中检测到大米

Saw Palmetto锯棕榈

  • One sample contained the clear presence of palmetto一份样品中明确含有锯棕榈
  • Other samples contained a variety of ingredients, including asparagus, rice and primrose其它样品含有多种成分、包括芦笋、大米和月见草

From Target, Up & Up brand

Gingko Biloba

  • No gingko biloba found
  • Found garlic, rice and mung/French bean

St. John’s Wort

  • No St. John’s Wort found
  • Found garlic, rice and dracaena (houseplant)


  • Contained garlic
  • One test identified no DNA


  • Most but not all tests detected Echinacea
  • One test identified rice

Saw Palmetto

  • Most tests detected saw palmetto
  • Some tests found no plant DNA

Valerian Root

  • No valerian root found
  • Found allium, bean, asparagus, pea family, rice, wild carrot and saw palmetto

From Walgreens, Finest Nutrition brand

Gingko Biloba

  • No gingko biloba found
  • Did detect rice

St. John’s Wort

  • No St. John’s Wort found
  • Detected garlic, rice and dracaena


  • No ginseng found
  • Detected garlic and rice


  • No garlic found
  • Detected palm, dracaena, wheat and rice


  • No echinacea found
  • Identified garlic, rice and daisy

Saw Palmetto

  • Contained saw palmetto

From Walmart, Spring Valley brand

Gingko Biloba

  • No gingko biloba found
  • Found rice, dracaena, mustard, wheat and radish

St. John’s Wort

  • No St. John’s Wort found
  • Detected garlic, rice and cassava


  • No ginseng found
  • Found rice, dracaena, pine, wheat/grass and citrus


  • One sample showed small amounts of garlic
  • Found rice, pine, palm, dracaena and wheat


  • No echinacea or plant material found

Saw Palmetto

  • Some samples contained small amounts of saw palmetto
  • Also found garlic and rice

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来源: 文学城-飞越2003