走了老鼠来了松鼠--南加旱春里的野花 (w English)

走了老鼠来了松鼠--南加旱春里的野花 (w English)

几年前当枇杷树刚刚开始结果那一年,记得某人给我看过一张照片--他附近同事家枇杷树上接的枇杷,一颗颗有鸡蛋那么大。原来一树黄灿灿的枇杷被松鼠吃得只剩最后几颗,一气之下,同事把挂在树上的仅剩的最后几颗枇杷全部包了起来,不让松鼠偷吃, 最后几颗枇杷卯足了劲,在整棵大树的供给下,才有了那几颗巨无霸枇杷。那时,我还庆幸自己社区没有松鼠。
如果说那一年我还庆幸自己小区附近没有松鼠,如果说去年看到松鼠出现在前院的大树上,我还心存侥幸,默默在心里希望它们不要发现我家后院,那么,当松鼠在3/22日傍晚闯进我家后院时,这一切便开始被打破了。那天赶走它以后,还写了博客夸松鼠聪明,以为它知道主人不欢迎就不来了, 却不知被狡猾的松鼠骗了。
4/1在家上班。坐在窗前,戴着老花镜对着电脑屏幕。突然,就模糊地发现窗外的枇杷树干上有什么东西在爬,摘下老花镜一看,是松鼠! 我一个健步冲出门外,大声嘘嘘着,松鼠爬上了墙还准备跟我游击战,我抄起扫把,挥了过去,它机灵地从墙头跳到邻居家矮矮的屋背上,看了我两眼,然后一个跳跃,从邻家屋顶跳上我家高高的屋顶,不见了踪影。
附记: 今年这里是旱春,不见成片成片旺盛的油菜花,罂粟花,更没有旺年时的气势。但是那些顽强的野花依然绽放。
艳丽的Gazania flower ( 一种非洲雏菊)
优雅的Blue Dick
芊芊淑女 Mariposa Lily
lacy phacelia
Indian paintbrush (??)
The velvet petals, rich and creamy
生长在石头缝里的chalk liveforever
芳香的black sage
Coastal Sagebrush
金色的罂粟花  ( "These too are of a burning color--not orange, not gold, but if pure gold were liquid and could raise a cream, that golden cream might be like the color of the poppies.”--John Steinbeck East of Eden)
被松鼠吃掉的枇杷,估计这个位置它还来不及整个吃完。The sneaky and bold squirrel disguises itself well.  It must have eaten more  loquats than I know.

Under a leaden sky the valley looked dull but serene, with the moisture hanging in the air. As we stood at the top of the valley overlooking undulating mountaintops that were now in misty faint green, we felt like being environed in our old hometown in southern China. Except that there is a highway cutting through, on which cars were whizzing by noisily. But we are now so used to any modernization disruption.

In a rain-bountiful year, as in the spring of 2018, we came across a daisy-like flower called Gazania flower in this valley.  The encounter was so impressive that he occasionally reminisces about it and craves for another rendezvous.  On the same expected slope this time, we only saw sparingly five or six of them. Without sunshine, their petals were not fully spreading, but the color was just as showy and vivid.

On the downward trail, we attempted to identify the spiraling plants and shrubs on the roadsides by their names-- white sage, black sage, California buckwheat, coastal sagebrush, etc. From time to time, we pinched a tip of the leaves to sniff the bold and pungent smell.  Sages are known herbal edibles, and Sagebrush, according to the introduction, was used by miners in bedding to drive away fleas or used to make a wash for wounds. Nature has offered us generously, but we are sometimes blind to their existence.

This spring, with the absence of dazzling large swaths of popular flowers, it's the show time for those who survive the drought and thrivingly bloom on the meadow. As we took pictures of them, our cameras in our hands were unfailingly doing the magic, packaging a plain-looking wild flower (like fiddleneck) with a touch of elegancy. The publicly acclaimed beauty of prickly pear cactus flowers or California state flower Golden poppies are all the more appealing under the lens.

Spring is fleeting here like most beautiful things in this world. As we relished the scenes and scents on the first Saturday of April, we felt lucky that we still have the peace and the peace of mind to be around them.

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来源: 文学城-暖冬cool夏
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