好男人都去哪儿了? (w English)

好男人都去哪儿了? (w English)

转眼间,小双长大成了大姑娘了,大学毕业后,在西子湖畔落下脚,有着一份体面稳定的工作。有一年回家,母亲跟我说起了她,说, "你不知道,小双对象不找,賺的两个钱隔几个周末跑上海看首发电影,还是个十足的发烧友,满世界地跑,去听演唱会。这不,马上又要去西班牙看某某某的演唱会了。" 母亲一边说,一边还不忘挥舞着两只胳膊,学着歌迷们陶醉的样子。我闻之,惊诧万分,始终无法将印象中文静、面带羞涩的小双跟这种狂热歌迷的形象联系在一起。
距离上一次我拉小双长谈已经五年了。今年回家过年,又见到小双,她依然是待嫁闺中,形单影只一个人。 一眼看去,一身呢大衣,高挑颀长的身材没有太多变化,不过细看,我还是发现原来青春靓丽的脸上渐渐失去了一些光泽。
联想到上海人民公园相亲这个报道,有很多条件非常好的姑娘, 父母急着帮着找对象,我不禁想弱弱地问一句: 好男人都去哪儿了?

My trip to China would not be complete without seeing relatives and having sumptuous dinners, a tradition that is imbedded in our culture and dies hard. Honestly I don’t like being enveloped in an enclosed room with loud noise and stagnant air, where people eat, smoke, drink and talk. But a get-together might be the most effective way to greet everybody without visiting door to door. Being away for so many years, unfamiliarity breeds, though Mom has been doing a good job filling the gap, telling me the stories about the younger generation and each family during my absence, and I piece them together with my own imaginations.

Xiao Shuang is my niece. She is slim, tall, and pretty. Under her short but stylish hair is a face with fair skin, typical to Southeastern girls in the area.  She is still single in her early 30s, considered to be a “leftover girl” in the public eyes. I remember seeing in year 2014’s Spring Festival when I was home, talking to her into any possible relationship.  Five years have gone by, and she remains unmarried. She never reveals her inner self to me of how it feels being alone. When asked how her routine weekends are like, she would tell me that she whiles them away reading, listening to music or watching movies.  But what mom later told me made my jaw drop.  A quiet shy girl like her turns out to be a frantic fan of certain singers, pursuing the live concerts as far as in Spain.  Additionally, she frequented Shanghai for new movies premiere, staying there overnight just for a movie.

I tried to find commonality among her life and mine, asking myself where I was at her age. In my whole life, I’ve never been to one big live concert. My ideology is more traditional, thinking that life without marriage is never complete, not that your name is not carried on nor your bloodline is not extended, but life should be multifaceted. Being single, you never know what it tastes to have your other half filled, matched or mismatched. 

But I guess she lives her own way, independently and self-fulfillingly. Even though in poeple's eyes she is a 3S women, a term coined in early 2000s standing for  "single, seventies (1970s) (she is 1980s) and stuck", she does not feel herself stuck in middle of anywhere, but carefree without the bondage. With a decent job and income, she does not seem to need a marriage to step up herself into instant wealth or higher social status.  Plus, there is no free lunch in this world, gaining means sacrifice. 

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来源: 文学城-暖冬cool夏