重阳时节又登高 (w English)

重阳时节又登高 (w English)

一个寻常的周六清晨(10/8)。从家出发时,天还是黑的。十分钟不到的车程就到了trail head附近的停车场。6:30准时开拔,今日又只有四人。此时天空开始破晓,一道绚丽的曙光驱散了黑云,从东边喷薄而出,在朝霞映衬下的金色云朵,美丽透亮无比。多么美好的一刻。天道酬勤,早起的鸟儿有虫吃,这就是老天给我们的奖赏,连带着这清新的空气和静谧的山谷,让我顷刻之间忘记了半小时前的一丝想赖床的挣扎。

6:05 am. The alarm went off. It was still dark outside. The days are getting shorter. After less than 10 minutes in the car,  we were at the parking lot of the trail head, meeting the team. However there were only four of us today. The team is getting smaller from the regular/peak time of about 12 or more. Dawn started to crack, and minutes after we were on the trail, the sun rose from the mountain ridge afar, dispensing the dark clouds and brightening the shrouded sky. It was a beautiful morning! As early morning risers, we have been lavishly and repeatedly rewarded by the nature's beauty. Despite being arid and barren, the hills are still home to deers,  quails, road runners, messeals, snakes, and the birds, of course. Life flourishes in this seemingly bare wilderness!

Today, we ran into a coyote for the first time. It walked in the middle of the trail facing us,  and then quickly diverted to the sidewalk slope in the bush, not forgetting to turn its head at us with two ears standing upright. It looked so lonely in this open land!

We hiked; we sweated; we talked and we laughed. Today's three hours hiking quickly came to an end. At the entrance, we saw slender and colorful reeds again, beckoning us back to another new day.
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来源: 文学城-暖冬cool夏