


Inch by inch, little by little 一寸一寸,一点一点 (循序渐进)

You feel…because…你感觉……, 因为……(引导孩子表达情绪)

Different people have different needs…not same people need same thing at the same time…每个人的需要都不同,并不是每个人在同一个时间需要同样的东西 (解释其他人有的东西,未必对你有用,或是你也一定要有)

Call children by their names…or “daughter” (称呼孩子的大名,或是直呼她/他 女儿/儿子,培养独立自信)

Check it out inside 查看里面 (鼓励孩子仔细观察,家长不过多参与)

What’s your goal? 你的目标是什么?(引导孩子树立目标)

Make a picture in your mind…(positive picture) 想象一个画面(积极的,成功的)(引导孩子积极的心理暗示)

What do you attribute that to? What do you do? (efforts and hard work)…是什么导致了…?你做了什么?(培养自信和奋斗精神)

Too much praise, too much of a good thing. 太多表扬不好.

Moderate praise empowers children enough to feel confident and to love learning。适度的表扬已经足够培养孩子的自信和对学习的热爱。

It’s better to avoid terms like brilliant, perfect, genius, best, etc. instead use good workers, bright, creative, kind or attractive. 表扬人或作品时,尽量不要使用杰出的,完美的,天才的,最好的之类的词汇;应该使用生动的,创新的,善良的或是引人注目的。

Be sure to insist that they work and play alone for a little time each day so that they can feel the fun of learning and they don’t become dependent on praise. 坚持每天有一小段时间,让孩子单独学习或玩耍,从而孩子可以感觉到学习的乐趣,而不依赖他人的表扬。

Empower children with the power to be a child. Adultized children may suffer from the feelings of insecurity and powerlessness when given too much adult status. 鼓励孩子像个孩子。早熟的孩子,被给予成人的地位或角色,就会觉得不安全和无能力。

Too much power and freedom can be frightening. 对于孩子来说,太多的权力和自由令他们害怕。

They may feel put down in classroom or with peers when they are not given adult status。(习惯了成人般的角色之后),在学校里,在同龄人中,孩子得不到大人般的地位,就会感觉到被忽视。

They are at the risk of dethronement band become attention seekers when new members arrive。当有新成员时,他们会不断寻求他人的注意,还可能感觉自己是被废弃的君主。

They want to run your house, too much power corrupts, they may become continual arguers who quarrel about everything. They believe if they provide sufficient reason, they are always right. 被给予太多的权力,孩子就想要统治家庭成员。他们会持续地争论,而且相信只要有足够理由,他们总会是对的。

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来源: 文学城-天一思客