



他们在路上的时候,一个人对耶稣说“你 无 论 往 哪 里 去 , 我 要 跟 从 你 。耶 稣 说 , 狐 狸 有 洞 , 天 空 的 飞 鸟 有 窝 , 只 是 人 子 没 有 枕 头 的 地 方 。 “ -- 路加福音 9 : 57-58

耶稣从来没有呼召我们盲从。当我们跟从他,熟悉了他 的性格时,就知道他总是在我们信心步子的另一端等候。他把我们放到一个我们必须信靠他和他的应许的焦点位置,但他也告诉我们,跟从他时应该期待什么

他要我们考虑献身的代价,因为他知道这献身是要求献上我们的所有。(你 们 哪 一 个 要 盖 一 座 楼 , 不 先 坐 下 算 计 花 费 , 能 盖 成 不 能 呢 ? -- 路加福音 14:28 )。实质上,耶稣是警告我们放弃跟从他的浪漫想法,他了解当我们真正志愿无论何时何地时跟从他时 – 或者说那美好幻想与做门徒所要付的代价发生冲突时,我们那些玫瑰梦就会枯萎,常常这样的跟随是很不方便的 。 做门徒意味着我们放弃任何要保持一点点个人生活不被我们与耶稣的关系影响到的想法。我们不能对耶稣书说“好的”,却期望能够保留一部分的独立。他要求的是全部。

我们不再有选择只在我们觉得方便时才事奉的权利。“狐 狸 有 洞 , 天 空 的 飞 鸟 有 窝 , 只 是 人 子 没 有 枕 头 的 地 方 。 “ -- 路加福音 9 : 58

当我们怀着关于门徒的浪漫想法时,我们可能想象我们为耶稣放弃所有,这个世界会仰慕我们的信仰,人们会对我们付出的牺牲和事奉表达由衷的感激。 然而,做门徒的代价可能是整个世界的鄙视和嘲笑。当我们跟从耶稣,做他教导的事时,甚至主内的弟兄姐妹也可能会觉得你丢弃了自己的未来去帮助那些不可能回报你的人。做门徒可能意味着要为那些不会感谢你所做一切的人去牺牲 – 正如耶稣死在十字架上时,仍被嘲讽和与愚弄。

跟随耶稣到任何他要我们去的地方,这样的恩典只有通过基督的呼召,神的力量注入到我们里面时才会实现。恩典令我们能够顺服耶稣,不论环境和后果。 你的多少事奉是建立在自己方便的基础上,多少事奉是建立在耶稣的要求之上? 耶稣爱你,为你做了最好的计划。他来不是要灭人的性命;他来是要把你转到正确的方向上。

Thursday, September 15, 2011  

Serving Even When It Is Inconvenient
by Jon Walker

As they went on their way, a man said to Jesus, “I will follow you wherever you go.” Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lie down and rest.” (Luke 9:57-58 TEV)

Jesus never calls us to blind obedience. As we follow him and become familiar with his character, we learn he is always waiting on the other side of our steps of faith. He forces us into a place where we must trust him and his promises, but he also tells us what to expect when we follow him (John 14:1-4).

He wants us to count the cost of our commitment, because he knows it will demand every thing we have (Luke 14:28). In essence, Jesus warns us away from a romantic view of following him. He understands that when we volunteer to go anywhere at any time, our romanticism will wither when our commitment becomes inconvenient — or when it collides with the full cost of discipleship.

Discipleship means we give up any thought that there will be bits and pieces of our lives that can remain unaffected by our relationship with Jesus. We can’t say “yes” to Jesus and expect to hold on to a portion of our independence. He demands it all.

We no longer have the choice to serve only when and where it is convenient for us. “Foxes have holes, and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lie down and rest” (Luke 9:58 TEV).

When we have a romantic view of discipleship, we may imagine ourselves giving up everything for Jesus as the world admires our faith and people express their heartfelt gratitude for our sacrificial service.

But the cost of discipleship may bring the scorn of the world to your doorstep. When you follow Jesus and do the things he tells you to do, even fellow believers may think you’re throwing away your future to help people who can give you nothing in return. Discipleship may mean sacrificing for others who will have no appreciation for what you have done — much like Jesus was ridiculed as he died on a cross.

The grace to go wherever Jesus tells us to go comes only through the call of Christ and the power of God infused into our being. Grace obligates us to obey Jesus, regardless of the circumstances or consequences.

How much of your service to Jesus is based upon what is convenient for you, and how much of it is based upon you doing what Jesus has told you to do? Jesus loves you and plans his best for you. He brings no condemnation; he wants to turn you in the right direction.

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来源: 文学城-盈袖2006