



Dear Pastors, brothers and sisters:
Please help to distribute the email to the congregations of all churches you know around the world. We do need deeply pray for ShouWang church. Please alway pay attention to the web  or www.ChinaAidorg 
The congregations of our Faith Chinese Church will have fast prayer link taking turn to do fasting for every meal  which is lead by a couple Nim-on/Wai-hai. Let's pray together for the great spritual war. Thank you.


溫哥華信友堂主任牧師洪予健及教牧團隊 敬上

Rev. Yujian HONG & the Pastoral Team
Faith Chinese Baptist Church, Vancouver


Tel:  +1-604-327-1313(church)
Faith Chinese North American Baptist Church
6858 Fraser St,Vancouver B.C.,V5X 3V1
AP report this moroning---Underground Beijing church members detained - Yahoo! News

Underground Beijing church members detained

AP – A plain-clothes man and a uniformed police officer walk towards a police car near an area where members …

By ALEXA OLESEN, Associated Press –Sun April 17   9:29am ET
BEIJING – Nearly 50 members of an underground Beijing church were detained Sunday and its leaders were kept under house arrest as part of a crackdown on the unregistered congregation, a U.S.-based rights group said.

Jin Tianming, pastor of the Shouwang church, was detained by Beijing police Saturday nightand released Sunday morning, Bob Fu, president of the China Aid Association, a Christian rights group, said in an email.

Fu said 47 Shouwang members who tried to worship in an open-air public space on Sunday were detained and all the church's pastors and leaders were under house arrest or in detention. In an earlier statement, Fu said somechurch members had lost their homes or jobs amid an official campaign to shut down the church.

While China's Constitution guarantees freedom of religion, Christians are required to worship in churches run by state-controlled organizations, the Three-Self Patriotic Movement for Protestants and the Chinese Patriotic Catholic Association for Catholics.

However, more than 60 million Christians are believed to worship in unregistered "house" churches, compared to about 20 million in the state churches, according to scholars and church activists. The growth of house churches has accelerated in recent years, producing larger congregations that are far more conspicuous than the small groups of friends and neighbors that used to worship in private homes that gave the movement its name.

Their expansion and growing influence have unsettled China's rulers, always suspicious of any independent social group that could challenge Communist authority.

Shouwang members have for years been at odds with Beijing officials over their right to worship. Tensions escalated earlier this month when the church was evicted from its usual rented place of worship, a Beijing restaurant. Church leaders decided to temporarily hold services in a public space, prompting police to tape off the area and detain anyone who showed up to take part, with nearly 200 people kept at a local school for several hours.

A second attempt at open-air services in northwest Beijing's Haidian district resulted in Sunday's 47 detentions. Numerous uniformed and plainclothes police were parked near the office and shopping complex whereShouwang members were supposed to gather. An Associated Press journalist was followed and warned by plainclothes police not to conduct any interviews in the area.

A woman who answered the phone at the Haidian Public Security Bureau referred calls to the bureau's propaganda department, where the phone rang unanswered. Calls to the Beijing Public Security Bureau also were not answered.

Shouwang tried in 2006 to register with the government but its application was rejected, the church said in a statement distributed by Fu.

"Shouwang is not willing to make any compromise on the stand of our faith despite that we are willing to register with the government," the statement said. "We cannot join an official state institution."

In December 2009, the church bought property in northwest Beijing for regular Sunday services but government interference prevented the group from occupying the space, it said.

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对华援助协会 2011. 04. 17

Saturday, April 16, 2011
UPDATE: Detained Shouwang Church Pastors Released, Believers Detained for Second Attempt at Outdoor Worship
(Beijing -- April 17, 2011) Two pastors of the Beijing house church that tried to worship outdoors last weekend were released late Saturday and early Sunday morning, but 30 members of Shouwang Church who attempted to worship Sunday morning at the same site for the second week in a row have been detained, ChinaAid has learned.
Shouwang Church's senior pastor Jin Tianming was returned home early Sunday morning, and Pastor Li Xiaobai and his wife were sent home late Saturday night. Both were taken away by police Saturday evening.
Many members of Shouwang Church were restricted to their homes Sunday morning and unable to attend Shouwang Church's second outdoor worship service this year. Of those who were able to show up again at the same outdoor worship site where they had gathered last Sunday, at least 30 have been detained.
Last Sunday, 169 church members were rounded up by police and held for up to 24 hours when they attempted to hold a worship service in a public plaza in western Beijing.
ChinaAid Contacts
Rachel Sparkman, Media Coordinator
Tel: , or [email protected]
Mark Shan, CAA Spokesperson
Tel: (267) 205-5210, or [email protected]
Website:   and



Subject: Fwd: In a mass police action, all of Shouwang Church's leaders detained or put under house arrest
From: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2011 17:41:28 -0500
To: [email protected]

Here are two press releases we issued for Shouwang in both Chinese and English. The WEA is drafting a statement now.  ChinaAid
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“撒 但,退我后边去吧!”(太16:23)

对华援助协会  2011. 04. 16
全世界的基督徒和教会已经看到,北京守望教会并不是孤独的,众教会肢体正在用基督教特有的属灵方式支持守望教会。2011年4月13日,北京教牧联祷会 发布代祷呼吁信,号召用禁食祷告的方式支持守望教会。点击这里阅读这封呼吁信。

附 1:《争战的本质》作者:金天明牧师


小白牧师出来时,负责谈话的市国保代表领导让他捎信息给守望治委会(包括出来后有关人员也讲了大体相同的话),转达的主要意思是这样:① 17号无论如何守望必须回到室内;②过17号后让现治委会下台(他们要做),重新组阁新治委会来继续带领守望教会,不过,下台的治委会成员以后还可以在教会中讲道。






我们不丧胆。外体虽然毁坏,内心却一天新似一天。我们这至暂至轻的苦楚,要为我们成就极重无比永远的荣耀。原来我们不是顾念所见的,乃是顾念所不见的,因为所见的是暂时的,所不见的是永远的。(圣经 哥林多后书 4章16下-18节)
北京教牧联祷会 2011年4月13日发布代祷呼吁信,号召用禁食祷告的方式支持守望教会。

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来源: 文学城-盈袖2006