An American Officer’s Teddy Bear (美国军官的熊孩子)

An American Officer’s Teddy Bear (美国军官的熊孩子)


这个美国军官是我女儿高中时的朋友。圆圆的脸,大大的眼睛,小小的个子,好象还不到五尺二寸(英寸,目测的)。我们是大城市郊区的公校,少数族裔学生很少,两个华商女孩都在乐队,一个小提琴,是首席concert master,一个拉大提琴, 也是首席,很快成了好朋友。背景相似,情趣相投,共同语言比较多

 The American officer was my daughter’s friend in high school. Round face, big eyes, very short, barely 5 feet 2 inches tall, maybe. Our school was a public high school in the suburb of a large metropolitan area. There were very few minority students. The two Chinese Americans girls both joined school orchestra, one playing violin, was the concertmaster; the other on cello, was the first chair. They became good friends very quickly. Coming from similar background, sharing same interest, they had many things in common. 


This girl, let’s call her Rei, because I didn’t know her Chinese name. She was two years older than my daughter, seemed very quiet and obedient. During the two years they both were in high school. I never heard a complaint about Rei from my daughter. This was very rare. This daughter of mine had high standards for herself and for others. Never a complaint about this girl meant that Rei was a very caring and considerate person.  


 I had very little direct contact with Rei. Most things about Rei I heard from my daughter. I heard a lot of things about Rei, because my daughter liked her a lot. 


 I know Rei is of Chinese descent, because my daughter told me Rei speaks Chinese very well. My daughter was very impressed with this fact. My daughter also told me that Rei lived in Shanghai for two years. Her father was sent to work in China so her whole family went with him. I don’t know whether Rei’s family came from mainland China or Taiwan. My daughter didn’t care about such things. She never asked. 

 我们的高中第一次开了AP微极分课,只有十六个学生敢去挑战。 以前一直有AP Calculus AB, 那年是第一次开Calculus BC。一千六百多个学生的高中,只有百分之一的学生选了这门课。这班学生心里没底,自己打气,自称one percenter, 最聪明的百分之一。这个班上只有瑞和我女儿两个女生,我夸她们是千里挑一的姑娘,尽管女儿批评我的算术不够严谨 

 When our high school started offering AP Calculus class, only 16 students were brave enough to take up this challenge. Our school had offered AP Calculus AB for many years, but AP Calculus BC was a first time offer that year. Of the sixteen hundred students at this high school, only one percent elected to take this class. The students in this class were not so sure of themselves. So they took to call themselves the One Percenter for self-encouragement, “the Smartest One Percent”. There were only two girls in this class, Rei and my daughter. I praised the two girls being the Greatest, one in a thousand, even though my daughter protested that my math was not exactly right. 


 Even though I knew Rei was a great kid, I was still surprised when my daughter told me that Rei was accepted into the Air Force Academy. Firstly, it is not easy to get into the military academies of the American armed forces. The difficulty of getting in is about the same as that of Ivy League schools. There is also an additional requirement for acceptance into these elite military academies that other colleges do not require. Each student must obtain a recommendation from a U.S. Congressman. Rei strike me as quiet and patient. I didn’t know that she was so outstanding. Secondly, even though I knew there were military officer positions not involved in combat, but Rei was so small, I just could not associate her with an image of an air force officer. My daughter said Rei’s major field of study would be somewhere between business and engineering. Not many people work in this field. ?But the U.S. military really needed people in this area. 


 Before Rei left home to join the armed forces, she gave her favorite big bear to my daughter for keepsake. This bear took up a lot of space in my daughter’s small room, till she too, left home for college. 


 After becoming a mother, I realized that there are lots of occupational diseases associated with this career. One of the common disease is called “worrying for no good reason”. ?Not only worrying about my own kids, I also worry about other people’s kids. My worry for Rei was that she could not pass the basic training. Such a tiny girl, can she get through the rigorous physical training at the military academy? When I remembered to ask my daughter, I was told that Rei had already pass it with no problem at all. 

 My daughter also said that she thought the pictures Rei posted on Facebook was very funny. A little girl was running amongst a group of big boys, and the girl wasn’t even as tall as the boys’ shoulders. I could tell that my daughter was very proud of her friend. Of course she would not let me see those Facebook pictures. When kids grow up, they have a world of their own. Mothers are often afflicted with another occupational disease, commonly called “meddling”. Smart kids all know prevention is most important. 


 The next time I heard the news about Rei was when my daughter brought it up herself. My daughter was very excited. She told me that Rei met the President. And Rei got to shake hands with the President of the United States. 

是嘛?有图为证? 我问。消息的来源可靠,这当然是真的。我不过想看看女儿的脸书,并没觉得这消息有多么重要。美国政客亲民拉票,和他们握手合影的机会不少 

 For real? You got pictures to prove it?  I asked. The news came from a dependable source, of course it was real. I just wanted to see my daughter’s Facebook, not that I thought the news itself was a big deal. American politicians like to kiss babies to get votes. There are lots of opportunities to shake hands and take pictures with them. 


 Of course, Rei posted it on Facebook. There was a proud look on my daughter’s face. 


 Oh, yeah? Let me see. Normally, my kids guard the door to their world very tight. They are afraid that I will mess things up if they let me in. But I like to stand at the window, begging them to lift up a corner of the curtain, so I can have a peek at the lives in their beautiful world. My kids knew that I cared very much for them. Sometimes they would grant my request. 


 This time, my daughter couldn’t keep the cover on it. She was so happy that she wanted to share it with Mom. She took out her cell phone and found the picture on Facebook. A picture, no more than the size of the palm, shook me to the core. Top to bottom, inside to outside, that kind of shock. 


 The picture was taken at the graduation ceremony of The United States Air Force Academy. Under the blue sky and white clouds, upon the Colorado plateau, the grounds of Air Force Academy was filled with people. This picture was taken from the back of the crowd. In the back, wearing civilian cloth of all sorts of colors, were the family members of the cadets. In the front, in white dress uniform, were the graduating air force cadets. On the raised platform, were the senior officers and politicians. 

 主席台前,一位军官正举着手,向奥 巴马总统敬礼。照片上只能看到这位军官的背面,她站得象钢纤一样的坚挺。总统微笑着,伸出手来要和这位军官握手。军官的个头不及总统的肩膀,这除了瑞还能是谁 

 In front of the podium, an officer raised her hand. She was saluting President Barack Obama, the Supreme Commander of the United States Armed Forces. From the picture, you could only see the back of this officer. She stood ramrod straight. The President, smiling, put out his hand for this office to shake. This officer’s height was not quite as high as President’s shoulder. If not Rei, who else could it be! 


 Thank you, my precious daughter! It is an honor for this opportunity to share you happiness. 


 Thank you, Rei, my dear American officer! It is an honor for my daughter growing up with you as her companion. 


 Thank you, the great United States of America! It is an honor for my family and I to live in this nation built on equality and freedom. 


 More than 50 years ago, a minister uttered his dream, and woke up the heart’s desire of decent people everywhere, for a society of diversity and equality. Even though the truly equal ideal society is still far away, I can see hope in this picture. An officer and a President, seeing beyond the color of their skin, Americans saw their inner characters. This is an evidence of advancement in the American society! 

 姐姐离家上大学之后,小妹担心这熊孩子在小房间里寂寞, 把它抱了出来。小妹自己的房间早已被绒毛动物塞满了,只好把这熊孩子安置在妈妈卧室门前,还派了自己心爱的小白虎来和这熊孩子做伴 

 After her big sister left home for college, Baby Sis took this bear out because she did not want the bear to be lonely in the small room by himself. Her own room was already filled with stuff animals. So she found a place for the bear in front of Mom’s bedroom door. Then she sent out her favorite white tiger to keep this bear company. 


 When I look at this bear of an American officer, I can sleep tight every night. Closing my eyes, I continue my beautiful dream. Someday, this dream will come true! 




Aiming to appeal to the decent and loving Chinese Americans, I put in all my heart, and give it all my might. My sweet peas, I wrote down this memory out of my love for you. I hope you girls will be proud of me. 


February 17, 2017 

(The English version of this story is a belated Valentine’ day gift for my daughters.) 


Just read it again (This time trying to read Chinese). We are all so proud of you!  ~ My lovely daughters.

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来源: 文学城-莲盆籽