


Helicobacter pylori is a microaerophilic bacterium commonly found in the stomach.. It wasestmated H plori was present in over 50% of the world's population. H. pylori infection can cause chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers, and has been linked to the development of stomach cancer. However, whil H plori infection can be treated with antibiotics, over 80% of individuals infected with the bacterium are asymptomatic, and it may play an important role in the natural stomach ecology.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, or GERD, is another digestive disorder that affects many people. In GERD, the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the ring of muscle between the esophagus and stomach, has lost control of back flow of stomach contents into esophageal tube, causing heartburn or acid indigestion. The relationship of H. pylori and gastroesophageal reflux disease has been one of controversy. Some early studies suggested that eradication of H. pylori infection would result in an increase in erosive esophagitis and GERD symptoms. Although there are several studies to support this, the weight of the evidence suggests strongly that eradication of H. pylori has no effect on the development of heartburn and in fact does not exacerbate GERD symptoms. There are also several studies that suggest that that H. pylori infection might be protective against severe end organ damage in patients with GERD. While GERD cannot be prevented by elimination of H plori infection, in most cases, it can be relieved through diet and lifestyle changes.

In this case, a middle aged male had been suffering GERD for over 10 years, with various symptoms. H plori infection had been positively identified and was introduced with combiened antibiotics treament. While the infection was gone after treatment, for about three years, there was no reliefe on GERD. At the time, he was relatively healthy with typical Chiese diet, normal blood sugar, normal blood fat, and normal blood pressure levels. He was weighted at175, maybe a lille bite high in body fat ratio . He was very disciplined in his lifestyle with a very balanced diet, no smoking, no spicy fppd, no after meal snakes, and only1ocassionly drinking little bite alcohale and coffee. At the beginning, we had no idear that a low carb diet would have a benefial effect on his acid reflux, and never even thought about it. Just one day, it happened came to our attension, that he had not experienced heatburn for almost two months! With time, we had become more and more confident that his GERD had gone for good.

It has been five years since then, there has been no recurent of any acid reflux symptomes, and we believe the key for his success is low carb diet. Based on my own limited research, this is not an isolated case, and scientifists have strong evidence that low carb diet is effective in treament of GERD. Please refer to the following publication: "Dietary carbohydrate intake, insulin resistance and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: a pilot study in European- and African-American obese women". If you are interested, you can also get more information by reading :Heartburn Cured: The Low Carb Miracle "by Norm Robillard (2005). " 



“我先生受胃酸反流的种种不适困扰长达10年以上。专科医生确诊有幽门螺杆菌。在三联疗法治愈幽门螺杆菌感染之后的两三年,GERD症状并无缓解。采纳低碳饮食法之前,他并无肥胖症,最高体重在175磅。但我觉得他内肥是有的。当时的饮食是相当标准的均衡饮食。而且他饮食习惯定时定量,非常规律,可以说和时钟一般刻板。没有吃点心和暴饮暴食的习惯。不抽烟,不吃辣,少喝酒。喝咖啡。血脂血糖血压指标全部正常。 我们起初并不知道低碳饮食会有治疗GERD的效果,所以一开始根本没有注意这方面的反应。大约一两个月后才忽然意识到......他许久没有烧灼感了! 后来随着时间的推移,开始越来越确定他的GERD是真的好了。至今已有5+年的历史。

由于熟悉他的病史和他的症状消失得彻底,我确信这是减少碳水量所带来的变化。随着对低碳饮食的了解越来越多,发现原来这种效果根本不是我先生独此一家的个例,而是在low carbers里相当普遍的现象”。 “有没有对这个问题的科学研究?有的。大家可以看看这个,算是一个低碳饮食治疗胃酸反流的代表: Dietary carbohydrate intake, insulin resistance and gastro-oesophageal reflux disease: a pilot study in European- and African-American obese women 这个研究的对象是肥胖GERD女病人,采用高脂低碳饮食10周后,毫无例外的所有病人的胃酸反流症状全部消失,所有的药物都不需要了,全停: “By the end of diet week 10, all GERD symptoms and medication usage had resolved in all women.” 也有一些其他的研究,我就不贴了。 如果真对这个方法感兴趣,还可以看这本书,"Heartburn Cured", 作者是个microbiology博士。此人是个资深GERD受害者,20多年的病史,原以为要一辈子吃PPI药了。他的经验是开始控制碳水后第二天,折磨了他20多年的不适症状就消失了。Too good to be true? You be the judge. 若不是我lg的亲身经历,我肯定也会怀疑。 我对lg经历的感想是:他以前符合标准饮食指南的均衡饮食对他来说非常不适合,可以说是一种致病饮食。我怀疑世界上有某一种特定饮食结构是适合所有人的。对许多人适合的饮食,不见得适合其他人。标准指南要参考,但不宜盲目硬套,否则可能变成以自己的体质去适应不适合自己的指南,削足适履。胃酸反流非常普遍, 不知道有多少比例是由于碳水量过高引起的。我们的家庭医生和专科医生从来没有提及这个问题,估计大部分病人自己想也想不到。一边吃着伤害自己的饮食,一边以为自己的饮食很健康,很均衡,没有需要改的地方。同时一边困惑, 一边长久吃药来缓解不适”。




  1. 主食,燕麦片,,全麦面包(黑面包),有机整玉米(不是商店那种甜玉米,一般的玉米,比较硬,我这里farmers market 买的)。。我彻底断绝大米饭,包子馒头面条等。
  2. 副食:雨柔,鸡胸肉,牛肉,猪肉,鸡蛋,豆制品(豆腐,豆腐干,豆腐丝,豆腐泡等)。因为我的血脂,胆固醇,血压均没有问题,不用考虑太多鸡蛋问题;
  3. 蔬菜:尽量多样。我有一段时间血钾稍高,医生给了一个卡片,上面有各种蔬菜含钾多少,贴在冰箱上很方便。不过后来再也没有过问题,提醒你注意体检测量一下所有指标
  4. 水果:排除瓜果类,柑橘类(含糖高),其它不限,但是以苹果,蓝莓,草莓,猕猴桃,葡萄为多
  5. 零食:黑巧克力,坚果,从不例外。现在看见满桌子糕点糖果什么的,一点诱惑力也没有了
  6. 饮料:只喝水,有时候泡泡茶,偶尔一杯红酒,不沾任何含糖饮料汽水什么的。不喝牛奶,中医不喜欢牛奶。


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来源: 文学城-doldentate1