











Thanks Tiffany! It’s gonna be hard to follow that speech. For the people out there who might not know me, I’m Casey — I’m Jesse’s little sister. I wanna start by thanking everybody for coming out to Colorado this weekend — Jesse and I really loved growing up out here. It’s a state that brings us both a lot of joy and pride, so I’m sure Jesse is really happy and grateful to have everyone here together.


Growing up, Jesse was always the person I looked up to. He always my one and only role model. I was such a stereotypical younger sibling — I really thought he could do no wrong. I remember when we were in elementary school, we both stayed at school for the after school program. They had a table for the big kids (meaning they fourth and fifth graders) and a table for the rest of the kids. All of us kids in the lower grades always thought the big kid table was the coolest place to be. They got the better activities and more importantly, seconds on the snacks. If you weren’t a big kid, you had to get the ever elusive invite to sit at the big kid table from a big kid themself. I didn’t really know any older kids, so when I was in third grade and Jesse was in fourth grade, I thought “this was my time, I’m finally going to be invited to sit at the big kid table.” I waited, and I waited, until I got the “ok fine I guess you can sit with us” from Jesse and I had never felt so honored. I was so proud to be the only third grader sitting at the big kid table, munching on my second serving of carrots and celery, bc I had connections.


One of things I’ve been the most proud of in my life is being Jesse’s little sister. In middle school, I was so proud to be the little sister of the kid who was winning all the mathcounts awards and clicking his little buzzer during the countdown rounds. In high school, he was always the kid with all the accomplishments — I just couldn’t keep up.


Since those golden years, Jesse’s grown a lot as a person too — he’s one of the first people I turn to when I’m going through tough times. He’s the one person in the whole world who has the same life experiences as I’ve had, so I never feel like I have to sugarcoat or explain myself. I can always count on him to take me seriously and have insightful things to say. I couldn’t ask for a better older brother.


So when he told me he was dating this girl Christine in college, I, of course, was skeptical. No one could ever be good enough for MY older brother. But when Christine stayed with us at home in Colorado over the first few months of the pandemic, I really got to know her better. I got to see how perfect they were for each other. Christine keeps Jesse grounded and keeps his head from getting too big. She makes sure he leaves the house once in a while and sees the world outside of his computer screen. But most importantly, Christine is kind and compassionate enough for the two of them.


I’ve always been so proud to have Jesse as my brother, and now I’m so proud to be able to call Christine my sister too. It’ll be an honor for us all to watch them grow old together, so let’s give another toast to the happy couple.















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来源: 文学城-一介白丁
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