Quiet Quitting crisis isn’t talent Rather it’s of leadership

Quiet Quitting crisis isn’t talent Rather it’s of leadership



A Crisis of Talent or Leadership?

EHS Today - March 29, 2023
Ian Williamson, dean of the UCI Paul Merage School of Business writes, “In recent years, this idea of a so-called talent crisis—driven largely by the notions of the Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting—has forced companies to take a hard look at how they manage their labor force. … But, consider for a moment, that the crisis isn’t really one of talent. Rather, it’s one of leadership. We’re also seeing fragility in the relationship between leaders and employees, especially with regards to trust. All of this is unfolding as we seek out a consensus on what the new normal should look like.”
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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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