Lfah with Sarah Jones

Lfah with Sarah Jones


Love finds a home with Sarah Jones 

妳帶我走進妳的花坛 像蒲公英花开一样绚烂 我無法逃脫花的迷香 心中有了牵挂的人 我不知不覺忘記了方向 妳說我世上最堅強 我說妳世上最善良 我不知不覺已和花兒一樣 妳說我世上最堅強 我說妳世上最善良 妳要我留在這地方 妳要我和他們一樣 我看著妳默默地說 不能這樣 我想要回到老地方 我想要走在老路上 把一切交给时间 生活是一場不知的冒险 回忆是人生的归宿的收获 這時我才知離不開妳 姑娘

You led me into your flower room I can't escape the fragrance of flowers Unknowingly, I forget the direction You say I'm the strongest in the world I say you're the kindest in the world Unknowingly, I've become like the flowers

You say I'm the strongest in the world, I say you're the kindest in the world You want me to stay in this place, you want me to be like them I silently look at you and say, it can't be like this I want to go back to the old place, I want to walk on the old road Only then do I realize I can't leave you, miss.

"Love finds a home" with Sarah Jones

You led me into your flower garden

Like dandelions blooming in a colorful fashion

I couldn't escape the mesmerizing fragrance of flowers

With someone dear in my heart, I forget the direction

You say I'm the strongest in the world

I say you're the kindest in the world

Unknowingly, I've become like the flowers

You say I'm the strongest in the world,

I say you're the kindest in the world

You want me to stay in this place,

you want me to be like them

I silently look at you and say, it can't be like this

I want to go back to the old place,

I want to walk on the old road

Hand over everything to time

Life is an unknown adventure

Memories are the harvest of life's destination

Only then do I realize I can't leave you, miss.

[The rhythm of the poem is gentle and soothing, mirroring the beauty of the flower garden. The repetition of "You say I'm the strongest in the world, I say you're the kindest in the world" adds emphasis to the admiration and appreciation the speaker feels for the person leading them through the flower garden. The poem ends on a note of contemplation and reflection, as the speaker ponders the nature of life and the value of memories. Overall, the poem has a dreamy, romantic tone, which evokes the feelings of being lost in a beautiful garden with someone special.]


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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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