【老键曲库】 悲喜交织 声情并蓄 - 罕有的男声音质展现 Jesus to a child

【老键曲库】 悲喜交织 声情并蓄 - 罕有的男声音质展现 Jesus to a child


始终在中低音部旋迴,像深情在一道伤口的流出,George Michael (1963 - 2016) ,不可思议的音质,现场演唱会几乎达到录音棚的水准。难得的音乐天才,可恨英年早逝于心肌膨大和脂肪肝,葬于伦敦母亲穴旁,RIP

Kindness In your eyes, I guess You heard me cry You smiled at me Like Jesus to a child
I'm blessed I know Heaven sent And Heaven stole You smiled at me Like Jesus to a child
And what have I learned From all this pain I thought I'd never feel the same About anyone Or anything again
But now I know When you find your love When you know that it exists Then the lover that you miss Will come to you on those cold, cold nights
When you've been loved When you know it holds such bliss Then the lover that you kissed Will comfort you when there's no hope in sight
Sadness In my eyes No one guessed Or no one tried You smiled at me Like Jesus to a child
Loveless and cold With your last breath You saved my soul You smiled at me Like Jesus to a child
And what have I learned From all these tears I've waited for you all those years And just when it began He took you away
But I still say When you find love When you know that it exists Then the lover that you miss Will come to you on those cold, cold nights
When you've been loved When you know it holds such bliss Then the lover that you kissed Will comfort you when there's no hope in sight
So the words you could not say I'll sing them for you And the love we would have made I'll make it for two
For every single memory Has become a part of me You will always be My love
Well, I've been loved So I know just what love is And the lover that I kissed Is always by my side
Oh, the lover I still miss Was Jesus to a child
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: George Michael
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来源: 文学城-老键
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