Light and Shadow-4 Drunk on a summer night

Light and Shadow-4 Drunk on a summer night


Drunk on a summer night

You opened a bottle of tawny port
when I gazed at the ebbing tides
Bit by bit nightgown covered the fort
Sip by sip we slipped into moonlight
My hands too shaky to pour you a drink
but my feet still wobbled towards you
Into you my world was to shrink
a world in my arms wavy and true

My head swirled for a pillow
and found your laps that were mellow
I felt floating in the sleeping sea
a sea of candles surrounding me 
Your fingers combed my hair
and mesmerized me like a lullaby
Your breath sweetened the air
and immersed me in a cherry pie

I was drunk on a summer night
half on the Port wine
half on the candle light
flickering in your eyes and mine

"Drunk on a summer night" is a poem that captures a scene of intimacy and enchantment between two individuals. The poem's imagery and metaphors evoke a sense of indulgence, romance, and sensory experience.
The poem begins with the speaker recounting a summer night where they and their companion indulge in a bottle of tawny port. This sets the tone of intoxication, both literal and metaphorical, as they are not only consuming alcohol but also being swept away by the atmosphere and emotions of the moment.
The phrase "when I gazed at the ebbing tides" suggests a seaside setting, further enhancing the imagery of a warm summer night. As the night progresses, the nightgown covers the fort, symbolizing the speaker's increasing immersion into the experience. The phrase "Sip by sip we slipped into moonlight" portrays a gradual and shared descent into a dreamlike state, under the spell of the moonlit ambiance.
The speaker's physical condition is portrayed as unsteady, with shaky hands and wobbling feet, highlighting the effects of intoxication. Despite this, their desire to be close to the other person remains strong, as they are drawn towards them.
The line "Into you my world was to shrink" conveys a sense of surrender and vulnerability. The speaker finds solace and a sense of completeness within the other person's presence, as their world becomes encapsulated within their arms.
The next stanza describes the speaker resting their head on the other person's lap, emphasizing a feeling of safety and comfort. The imagery of a "sleeping sea" and "candles surrounding me" creates an atmosphere of tranquility and magic. The fingers combing the speaker's hair are likened to a lullaby, adding to the soothing and hypnotic nature of the scene.
The other person's breath is described as sweetening the air, creating a sensory experience that immerses the speaker in a state of bliss. The comparison to a "cherry pie" evokes a sensation of indulgence and sweetness, intensifying the sensual aspect of the moment.
In the concluding lines, the speaker reflects on their state of being "drunk on a summer night." The Port wine and the candlelight contribute to this intoxication, with the flickering light mirrored in the eyes of both individuals. The shared experience and mutual enchantment are captured in this closing image, reinforcing the sense of connection and the transcendent nature of the encounter.
Overall, the poem "Drunk on a summer night" paints a vivid and evocative picture of an intimate moment between two individuals, employing rich imagery and sensual language to convey a sense of enchantment, vulnerability, and intoxication.

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来源: 文学城-颤音
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