Reasons why my cat is dumb.

Reasons why my cat is dumb.


My cat is really dumb. Seriously, it's like, a PROBLEM. I will drop one of his treats right below his head and he will spend like 5 minutes looking for this mysterious treat that he can smell, but simply not see! Oh, and my apologies, I'll let my cat introduce himself. hhjhftgb  n  mc,gfrtgybg tgvyn,bb  . Oop, I'll translate that (and yes, I brought my cat over and he typed that.). Hello, My name is Sir Century the Dumb and Extremily Fluffy, The unofficial head of the House of Emily's Grandparents (but everyone knows it). I have survived many trials such at Emily picking me up and accidentally stepping on my tail (sorry Sir Century!). Thank you. It's all true! Everything he typed, well, you can just call him Century. I wanted to name him Sir Sparklepuff, but my mom refused. Anyways, my cat is dumb and also fat and lazy. He won't move from one spot unless I chase him, he decides somewhere else is comfier, or I pick him up. That's reason 2 why my cat is dumb but we all love him anyways (mostly). Byeeeeeeeee!! Ending with a period like always... .

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