巴黎塞纳河游船行视频 (Paris River Seine Cruise)

巴黎塞纳河游船行视频 (Paris River Seine Cruise)



一次又一次,我没有预订 ——


应景的甜点,以眼神,以唇 。。。”


                    —— 【塞纳河上的晚餐】天玉之



”Candlelight dinner cruise on the river Seine,

Time and time again, I did not book—
Waiting to do it with 
The right person, and

Desserts for the occasion, with eyes, with lips. . . "

                    ——【Dinner on the river 
Seine】by Tian Yu 




I celebrated my birthday this May in one of my favorite cities Paris. So many things that I love can be found here. My love for this city probably started from college when I studied French as the second foreign language. Watch the movie “Midnight in Paris” or “Paris, je t’aime”, or Amelie, if you haven’t seen them yet. Every time I came to Paris, I took the river cruise to see the sunset, the architectures on the side of the river, the Eiffel Tower, light reflections in the water… Here is a short video of my recent cruise, hope you enjoy it ~~







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来源: 文学城-天玉之
双林奇案录第三部之川黔连环案: 第十九节阿汤哥17岁的小女儿Suri Cruise,妥妥大女主脸有木有台湾MeToo运动持续发酵:王丹等多位名人被指性骚扰杂感cruise 无人驾驶做的这么差阿白天浏览塞纳河,晚上入住地道的巴黎之家!艾美丽的第一个自行车头盔纽约的天空灰蒙蒙一片,空气发出难闻的味道。9月30日周六,塞纳河“迎新游船”变成了一场中国风爵士音乐会!我的舅舅为何成了右派巴黎塞纳河的水“极好”游泳长篇小说《如絮》第一百二十七章 旧金山-2004年 城里的月光看一则新闻想到的答读者问“太多了”:纽约人在烟雾危机期间戴上口罩并呆在室内高考啊,高考 !幽间萦影画心语lavender was captivated by his elegant smile at first sight.九剑一魂 - 第24回 汉胡同源 九剑一魂(七)people in a rush to get married rely on others in aspects of $官宣!时隔100年塞纳河恢复游泳!巴黎市长现身为三个浴场揭幕"Moon River(月亮河)“ 唯一库存送高僧,感谢老兄的辛苦奉献!也祝所有处女座生日快乐!【旅游】仅40欧/人!原价57欧!法国主题乐园Futuroscope门票!还有5欧的塞纳河游船票!【跳蚤】白天浏览塞纳河,晚上入住地道的巴黎之家!My Vanity Fair时隔100年,塞纳河又能下河游泳了??法国砸了14亿整治,然而…dialogue motif- definition of being lighthearted? Witty dialogueErklärung zur Zusammenarbeit【城事】巴黎塞纳河的水“极好”游泳战国故事《定风波》卷二(8):良辰冷却的不止季节(75)— 再次叮嘱北京动物园大熊猫馆17日起临时闭馆;巴黎将允许公众在塞纳河游泳丨科技早新闻Japanese Knotweed/Dandelion find way through cracks and crevices