'7 habits of highly effective people' book reading 1

'7 habits of highly effective people' book reading 1


"7 habits of highly effective people" book reading 1


1-3: dependence to independence, private victory

Habit 1: Be proactive, principles of personal vision.

Habit 2: start with end in mind, personal leadership.

3: put first things first, personal management.

4-6: independence to interdependence, public victory

4: think win-win, interpersonal leadership.

5: understand, then to be understood, empathic commuincation.

6, synergize, creative cooperation.

habit 7: 

7: principles of balancd self-renewal


P/PC balance:

P: production of desired results, golden egg.

PC: production capability, goose.


3 types of assets:

physical, financial, human


"No one can hurt you without your consent."


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