chipping away at a mass of stone reveals a human shape within it

chipping away at a mass of stone reveals a human shape within it


like a sculptor chipping away at a mass of stone, he is interested in revealing a human shape within it.”

Similar to a sculptor chiseling away at a block of stone, his focus lies in uncovering a human form hidden within.

examples in writing?

Certainly, here are a few examples in different contexts:

Literary Description: Just like a skilled wordsmith crafting a story, the author carefully selects each word, interested in revealing the profound emotions embedded within the narrative.

Art Critique: Similar to an artist delicately applying brushstrokes to a canvas, the painter is dedicated to revealing the subtle beauty hidden within the layers of color.

Scientific Research: Like a dedicated scientist peeling back the layers of complexity, the researcher is focused on revealing the fundamental principles that govern the natural phenomenon.

Personal Growth: Much like a person on a journey of self-discovery, he is committed to chipping away at the layers of learned behaviors, aiming to reveal the authentic self within.

Editing Process: In the editing phase of writing, the meticulous editor is akin to a sculptor refining a piece of art, keen on revealing the clarity and coherence that may be hidden in the initial draft.

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来源: 文学城-TJKCB
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