Desires vs Pirorities

Desires vs Pirorities

We have so many desires in our life: fortune, love, high-rank places, friendship......We wants all those stuff in our dreams.
After one month of suffering from serious skin allergy and crazy itches, nothing is more important than a itch-free night sleep.  Life is good without any itch, or pain.
On my way to fourties, I gradually learned what is the best things in life. They may sounds boring or dull, they are the things needs to be treasured. Passion is surely not one of them.
Health, an intact home with lovely kids. Another half that cares about you when you are sick.  Those are simple but major themes to be treasured.
There are many boring moments in life, totally passion free. You endure it. As long as you are on the right track, your life will be fulfilled.
Blessing are for those whom are obedient with what they have been given. It is a hard lesson to learn.
I am still learning, little by little, day after day.

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来源: 文学城-梦逍遥