2cups all purpose flour
3/4 cup baking cocoa powder(Costco 有有机的)
1tea spoon salt
1.5 tea spoon baking powder
1.5 tea spoon baking soda
1 -2tea spoon 速溶咖啡颗粒
1 cup of sugar
mix all dry ingredients well. Or sift if you are perfectionist. Then add all other ingredients, mix well, transfer the batter to baking pan. 350-375 oven, 30-35 mins. Sit till cool.
1/4 cup maple syrup/honey
3-4 eggs
1cup of butter milk/cream
1 cup of boiling water
1/3 cup melt butter
1tea spoon vanilla extract
你可以狗一下。我上次的版本没用开水,效果好像更好。用了开水最好用大些的蛋糕烤盘(底部喷油垫parchment paper),或两个九寸盘,摊薄一些。
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来源: 文学城-hz82000