






This spiral ear biscuit brings back feelings of nostalgia, it is one of my favourite snacks when I was a kid. It is savory, hard yet crunchy and is very addictive.

Mom sent a few packets of this biscuit with auntie Lisa not long ago, my son A enjoyed it and was asking for more. I got curious and started searching online for a recipe. I made the first batch with the recipe I found online, it turned out good, but lack of the taste of fermented Tofu (Fu Yu) and was a tad too crunchy for what I remembered.

I modified the recipe and came up with another batch. This time the taste, shapes and looks turned out just the way I remembered! I am so so pleased. 

300 克 低筋面粉
6 克 食盐
60 克 糖
1 大勺 蒜泥 (捣烂)
1 块南乳 (如果是大块的南乳,用半块即可)
1/2 小勺 胡椒粉
1/2 小勺 五香粉
1/3 小勺 苏打粉
2 大勺/30 克 牛油 (室温)
80-100 ml 水

300 g cake flour
6 g salt
60 g sugar
1 piece of red fermented tofu (Nam Yu)
1 tbsp crushed garlic 
1/2 tsp white pepper powder
1/2 tsp Chinese five spice
1/3 tsp baking soda
2 tbsp/30 g butter (room temperature)
80-100 ml water


1. 把几瓣蒜捣成泥后和其他所有材料一起和成一个较硬的面团。加盖饧面30分钟。

注: 牛油/黄油必须要用室温的。

2. 把面团分成两部分,分别擀开成1毫米厚的面片。喷或刷上一层薄薄的水,然后把面片紧紧地卷起来。

3. 用保鲜膜包起放到冰箱冷冻室里冻硬,大约30分钟。

4. 取出冰好的面卷,用一把利刀切片尽量切薄,越薄越好(最厚不能超过1毫米),切得够薄的面片过一会儿就会凸起来,如果切好许久还是平的,那可能就有点过厚了。

5. 锅里热上2寸左右的食油,转中小火炸饼,每次最多炸20-25片,太多了挤压在一起型状会比较不好看。这饼即使切完是平的一入锅就会凹进去变成耳朵状,很是有趣。

6. 饼炸酥变浅褐色的时候就可以捞出沥干油,冷却后就会变得酥脆。

1. Crushed the garlic as fine as possible using a mortar and pestle. Place all ingredients in a mixing bowl/bread machine/stand mixer and knead into a stiff dough. Cover and rest the dough for 30 minutes.

Note: Make sure the butter is at room temperature.

2. Roll the dough out to form a sheet around 1 mm in thickness. Spray or brush a thin layer of water over the surface and roll the sheet up to form a cylindrical shape.

3.Use a cling wrapper to wrap the dough and chill the rolls in the freezer for 30 minutes for the dough to harden.

4. Take the roll out and slice with a sharp knife as thin as possible (around 1 mm in thickness). The biscuit dough should start bulging in the middle if it is thin enough, if the biscuit stays flat, even after a while, it is probably too thick.

5. Heat about 2 inches of oil up in a fryer/pot, turn the heat to medium low to fry the biscuits. The biscuits should start turning into ear shape the moment it touches hot oil. Take the biscuits out when it turned light brown in color.

Cooled and store in airtight container.
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来源: 文学城-盈_盈