

Echo 抓住莫亭的手, "如果这段感情丢失,如果不能与你地老天荒,我就一把大火烧了这座房子,抱上所有的CD,你离开了,就让我在这五百多盘CD中,覆盖对你无影的萦念,无边的苦痛和回忆。"呼喊涌上来,咄咄逼人。 

      Echo 坐在对面,咫尺之间,一缕柔韧的火焰,在他的眼里摇曳着,伤感而执着地燃烧。然后回到中国,回到父母那里静养片日,沉寂下来,我的路将是天涯海角的流浪,不再谈爱。







                                                        Perished Heart                        



“If this process of love failed, if I could not be with you forever…,” Echo cries, pressing Non-Stop’s hands firmly to his,  “I would have no alternative but burning this house that all this certainly will torture me in soul and in body. It is in the presence of you, a shadow of you, consistently. I will have to burn and perish these tortures. But, Non-Stop, hear me, that I will do. It was part of me and so were you. When you take leave of me, let me be absorbed into these 500 CD, into the totality of music sound to lessen the immense obsessions, the endless pains and the sweep of remembering, to survive day after day, night after night


Echo’s shouts come over, and a waft, a drift of icy blast roars in, heavily acts on.


For a moment, a sign of soft but determined flame sways and burns in his eyes, mournfully but persistently, to and fro, with Echo and Non-Stop between them, an inch width. “To and fro then back across to China, to my parents where I came from, they would give me an emotion shelter, temporarily. But ultimately, I am destined to nowhere, drift around the world, and love is no longer open again...”


           A progressive cold on cold slides into Non-stop’s closed eyes, slowly and silently scattered, swirling into a pond of foggy-smoky tears   Her quivered hands at his palm, tremble, as happened to a heart shivered in the raw storm, mingled with lightning’s arms. Rhythms shake and whip a responsive pattern through every bone, causing her in a cold smashed feeling in pursuit.


           “You cannot go…” Echo’s cries pour and sweep, immense as dustdown, into Non-Stop’s face.

From heart bottom the rainbow after sun-shower uprising where scream touching on, ascent into the throat and explode, in the sky, where his bustling shouts occupy, spread out here and there, now and then.


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来源: 文学城-醉清风.
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