Rock Paper Scissors

Rock Paper Scissors







Most people are familiar with Rock(石头), paper(布), scissors(剪刀) hand game which is used as a choosing method. But do you know how to win? Researchers suggested on choosing paper because most people tend to go for rock.  The following article" How to Win at Win at Rock Paper Scissors "tells you why.

The Daily Telegraph: How to Win at Rock Paper Scissors 

The study revealed(显示)that participants followed a 'win-stay, lose-shift' strategy in how they played the game, which means when they won a round(一局)they kept repeating their winning item. It wasn't until they lost did they change their action.

Although the optimal(最佳的) strategy is to pick one of the three equally and at random(随机), most people tended to over use rock. 'Rock, paper, scissors (RPS) is a game where predictions of human rational decision-making can be compared with actual performance,' reads the study published in the journal Scientific Reports.

'Playing a computerized opponent(计算机玩家) adopting a mixed-strategy equilibrium, participants revealed a non-significant tendency to over-select rock.' 'It's worrying that people tended to make more irrational decisions following a loss,' said Dr. Ben Dyson, lecturer in Psychology at the University of Sussex.

'This could have more serious implications in higher-stake scenarios(高风险性的事务) where people are competing to out maneuver one another – in economics or politics, for example.' These irrational decisions are driven by an emotional reaction to a negative outcome and leaves people vulnerable to a smart opponent.'

'Emotion might have some distracting effect that deteriorates the quality of our thought. 'If we can learn to separate emotion from outcome, like successful Poker players(扑克玩家), we might be able to mitigate(减少) this risk.'





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来源: 文学城-美语世界