大花玫瑰Just Joey(乔依)
先介绍一下乔依玫瑰 Just Joey
Just Joey was bred by Cants of Colchester, United Kingdom, in 1972. It was named for the wife of the Managing Director of Cants of Colchester, Joey Pawsey.
This Hybrid Tea performs well throughout Australia and there are many fine specimens in Adelaide gardens. The plant is very well behaved and generally achieves a height of 1.5m and width of 1.2m. Flowers are borne one per stem and can be of immense size up to 20cm in Spring and Autumn, slightly smaller during Summer. The bush is disease and heat resistant.
The flower is an eye-catching ripe apricot colour with a loose, informal display of pretty frilled petals. Probably its most seductive feature is its intense, spicy fragrance which will quickly fill a room, when a bunch is placed in a vase. This perfume is inherited from its parents (Fragrant Cloud x Dr. A.J. Verhage) also renowned for their strong scent. It has been awarded the Royal Horticultural Society Award of Merit 1993 and World’s Favourite Rose 1994.
When introduced, its colour and size of flowers were considered breakthroughs.
This lovely rose is readily available and will reward and delight any rose lover.
去年我们去Garden centre偶然在百花丛中发现了亭亭玉立的乔依,当时被她花开时的惊艳所震撼,架不住诱惑我们把乔依买回了家。
乔依与DA 金色庆祝Pk
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