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17 day trip – day 6

Old Town: four out of five

Today, I took a bus from Zurich to Lake Lucerne. (In German, it's Luzern instead of Lucerne.) I had A LOT of free time. One of the things I did was to explore the city of Lucerne, which is split into two parts: Old Town and New Town. In Old town, some of the buildings are 400 years old! Some of them have paintings on them, and even though the houses are old, the paint looks very fresh. Another thing I did was walk on a bridge. It's supposed to be the most beautiful bridge in the world, but I think that's because of the swans. There are even more swans in Lucerne than in Zurich. These swans are even vainer than the Zurich ones. These swans preen themselves constantly. There are also some Mallard Ducks in Lucerne. The ducks and the swans seem to sometimes wage war. A swan might force a duck away from a prime preening spot, but sometimes the huge swans are cowed into submission by the comparatively tiny ducks.

Pilatus Kulm part I: five out of five

At 11:30 AM, I went to a train to go up to Pilatus Kulm, a high mountain in Switzerland. This was no ordinary train, though. The mountain is very steep; at one point it's at a 48 ͦ angle from the ground. The train is built in such a way that even on the mountain, the seats form a right angle against the ground. Also, the train's coaches move separately, not as one train. During one part of the train ride, it even started snowing! The trip is supposed to about 40 minutes long, but it felt much shorter.

Pilatus Kulm part II: five out of five

Once the train trip ended, I discovered that there was a hotel near the top of the mountain! Inside it was very warm. I had a quick lunch of pasta. Then, I went outside the hotel and went up a short path to an old structure. There was one area that was over another, and I tested my theory about what would happen if a snowball fell from one place to another. Needless to say, it splatted on the ground and left a white mark. The mark of snow left on the ground looked like a water balloon had been tossed down. My mom kept on taking pictures, so I offered her a no-picture-taking therapy of covering her fingers with snow so that she wouldn't be able to take pictures. She declined.

Pilatus Kulm part III: five out of five

After that, I had to go back to Lucerne. I took a different way down than the one I'd taken up. First, I had to jam myself into a crowded cable car. I could barely see out of the windows with all of the people blocking me, so I decided to get closer. When I did, though, a fog rolled in so that I couldn't see anything. I'm very peeved at the fog. Next, I had to get on a gondola saw some silver cargo gondolas. My mom suggested getting on one of those, but being human cargo wasn't my ideal way of travel. I got on a red one instead. It was the type that skiers use to get up a mountain sometimes, except this time I was going down. The entire way down, I saw many, many big trees. When I came out, I was in Lucerne's New Town.

I would put in the average score, but for now, I'm too sleepy to. See you next time!

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