


记录一下,今年的圣诞不同寻常, 其一是自疫情以来,全家第一次聚齐吃上了团圆饭,大团圆来之不易。女儿两年前的圣诞跟我们一起过的,去年没有回家。 今年原本计划着等儿子飞回来就一起去 NJ 看望两年未曾谋面的亲人,大家庭团聚一下共度圣诞节,然后把女儿接回家。然而,计划赶不上变化。Omicron 来势凶猛,美东包括我们省感染人数飙升,加国人驾车入境加国 72 小时免检测的规定也在12月22号(周二)起取消。我们19号(周日)临时决定驾车去 NJ,周一把女儿从纽约接回家。女儿周日上午赶紧自费又做了次检测。她单位可以免费检测不过周末有困难,而且她身边感染的朋友好多个,曼哈顿大街上检测的队伍排着长队,我都有点担心万一女儿短时间内回不了家。终于,赶在72小时内新政策生效前我们顺利抵家。

其二:今年的圣诞晚餐好像没我啥事, 除了摆摆盘, 烤了个土豆(还是在女儿的指导下),烫了个青菜,我好像闲人一枚, 派不上用场。以后的大餐都有如此好的待遇, 太爽了 ~~:)


1. 全景

2. 头盘之一: 拼盘里有两种口味的香肠(都是朋友自己做的),叉烧(也是朋友送的), 卤蛋 (我烧的红烧肉里的,拿来摆盘)。 盘子嘛肯自然是我摆的:)

3. 头盘之二: 生蚝(老公撬的),挤上柠檬汁儿, 就可以吃了。想吃几个就撬几个

4. 配菜之一:油菜+虾仁, 为了摆盘, 必须量少, 呵呵

5.  配菜之二:烤 baby Kale,少许橄榄油和盐拌一下,然后 450 ℉ 烤了10分钟,撒上松仁、核桃仁和石榴粒儿。健康菜, 必须滴

6. 主菜:烤牛排 (wagyu ribeye steak),两大块约2公斤,领导的看家菜,呵呵呵呵 ~~:)

7.  主食是:melting popato,好吃到爆 ,我用铸铁锅烤的

做法也简单( 大概是:

2磅土豆去皮切大厚片, 用黄油、黑胡椒粒、海盐在铸铁锅里稍微炒一下; 进入预热475℉的烤箱烤15分钟; 准备一杯高汤 (我用浓缩蔬菜 Better than Bouillon 兑水),15分钟后撒入少许蒜末和一杯高汤, 继续烤15分钟; 拿出来翻动一下, 再烤10-15分钟, 就大功告成了。

8. 甜点:各种 cookies

9. 女儿烤了三样 cookies,另外两种是朋友送滴,样样都好好吃

几种黄油饼干方子我附在后面哈,用料都很简单,以后必须常做 :)

Matcha Shortbread Cookies (抹茶饼干)

为方便大家我就照搬过来了 ~~~


100 grams (7 tablespoons) good-quality butter, softened butter; if you use unsalted, add 1/4 teaspoon sea salt);

50 grams (6 tablespoons) confectioner's sugar;

1 egg yolk;

90 grams (3/4 cup) flour;

40 grams finely ground almonds;

2 teaspoons matcha (green tea powder);

2 tablespoons sugar, preferably an unrefined cane sugar in coarse crystals, such as turbinado or demerara


In a medium mixing-bowl, cream together the butter and confectioner's sugar with a spatula. Add the egg yolk and mix it in thoroughly.

In another bowl, combine the flour, ground almonds, and matcha, and stir with a whisk to remove any lump. Add to the first bowl and stir it in until the mixture comes together to form a ball; don't overwork the dough. Roll it into a log with a circular or square section (see note), about 4-cm (1 1/2-inch) in width. Wrap in cling film and place in the freezer to firm up for 40 minutes (or in the fridge for 2 hours).

Preheat the oven to 180° C (360° F) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Sprinkle the sugar on a plate and roll the log in it to coat on all sides, pressing it down a bit into the sugar if necessary. Using a sharp knife, cut the log into 1-cm (2/5-inch) slices and arrange on the prepared baking sheet; the cookies will spread just a touch.

Slip into the oven and bake for 12 minutes, or until the cookies just begin to turn golden at the edges. Let rest for 5 minutes on the baking sheet before transferring to a rack to cool completely.

Almond Crescent Cookies (杏仁粉月亮饼干):


1 cup (2 sticks) butter, room temperature

2/3 cup granulated sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon almond extract

2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour

1 cup almond flour (can substitute ground almonds)

1/4 cup powdered sugar for sprinkling


1. 预热烤箱 350 ℉

2. 打发黄油、糖和香精

3. 加入面粉、杏仁粉, 混合好

4. 然后做成月亮形状(这一步会稍微辛苦一点, 因为加入了杏仁粉, 面团的黏度不会很大)

5.  然后放入预热好的烤箱烤15-20分钟。 出炉后撒上糖粉

Flourless Fudge Cookies (巧克力饼干)

因为不含面粉, 饼干非常 chewy, 口感好。


2 1/4 cups (255g) confectioners' sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon espresso powder, optional but good

1 cup (85g) unsweetened cocoa, Dutch-process or natural

3 large (106g) egg whites

2 teaspoons vanilla extract

2 cups (227g to 340g) chocolate chips, chopped nuts, and/or chopped dried fruit, optional


Lightly grease two baking sheets. Or line with parchment, and grease the parchment. Yes, grease the parchment; these cookies are sticky, and need to be baked on a greased surface.

Whisk together the egg whites and vanilla. In a separate bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients, except for the chips/nuts/fruit.

Stir the wet and dry ingredients together. Scrape the bottom and sides of the bowl, and stir again until smooth. The batter should be and the consistency of a thick syrup. If it's not, add more egg white until it drips from a spatula in a thick ribbon.

Add the chips and/or nuts, if you're using them.

Drop the syrupy batter onto the prepared baking sheets in 3" circles (for large cookies), or 1 3/4" to 2" circles (for smaller cookies); a tablespoon cookie scoop or teaspoon cookie scoop, respectively, work well here. Let the cookies rest on the baking sheets for 30 minutes, while you preheat your oven to 350°F.

Bake the cookies for 7 minutes (for smaller cookies), 8 to 9 minutes for the larger cookies; they should spread slightly, become somewhat shiny, and develop faintly crackly tops. Note: large cookies with added chips/nuts will need to bake for 10 minutes.

Remove the cookies from the oven, and allow them to cool right on the pan. When they're nearly cool, carefully loosen them from the pan with a spatula.

Storage information: Serve warm; or cool completely, and store airtight at room temperature for several days. For longer storage, wrap well and freeze.

10. 某人盘中餐


12. 文化人朋友送的礼物 - 挺有意义的, 不是?

13. 我们 ELLE 组合送给大家的礼物: 用歌声 《Dona Nobis Pacem》祈祷 - 请赐予我们平安 !

虽然 Omicron 感染率惊人, 但也许预示着疫情的终结,祝大家圣诞快乐, 新年安康 !


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来源: 文学城-arge