AT&T to Begin Offering Shared Data Plans in Late August# Apple - 家有苹果
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lz小弱刚收到一个大型州立大学(是teaching school)的on site通知, 对方说要做 a
30 min presentation regarding your background and your future plans
请问这种presentation 要怎么入手? 大概按照:background, teaching plan,
research plan, other plan, vision 神马的扯一遍么?求行内人士指点,这种
presentation最关键的该把握好什么? 不胜感激!
30 min presentation regarding your background and your future plans
请问这种presentation 要怎么入手? 大概按照:background, teaching plan,
research plan, other plan, vision 神马的扯一遍么?求行内人士指点,这种
presentation最关键的该把握好什么? 不胜感激!