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打滑的原理,当轮胎向前的动力超过traction limit. 四驱和雪胎的靠的是什么防滑?
1)四驱,把动力减半,很可能就小于traction limit.
2)雪胎,动力不变, 增加摩擦力,提高traction limit.
你必须证明雪胎的摩擦系数大于等于普通胎的2倍,double the traction limit, 才
【在 e******g 的大作中提到】
: 不管几驱,科罗拉多那冰天雪地的地方用四季胎都是刹不住的,随便一个坡,随你几驱
: ,用四季胎都很难爬上去,后驱大车换上雪胎性能就足够了,一家人坐着还舒服。你去
: 租车也租不到有雪胎的。安全重要还是1000刀重要?随便出个车祸这个1000刀都是毛毛
: 雨。
打滑的原理,当轮胎向前的动力超过traction limit. 四驱和雪胎的靠的是什么防滑?
1)四驱,把动力减半,很可能就小于traction limit.
2)雪胎,动力不变, 增加摩擦力,提高traction limit.
你必须证明雪胎的摩擦系数大于等于普通胎的2倍,double the traction limit, 才
【在 e******g 的大作中提到】
: 不管几驱,科罗拉多那冰天雪地的地方用四季胎都是刹不住的,随便一个坡,随你几驱
: ,用四季胎都很难爬上去,后驱大车换上雪胎性能就足够了,一家人坐着还舒服。你去
: 租车也租不到有雪胎的。安全重要还是1000刀重要?随便出个车祸这个1000刀都是毛毛
: 雨。
14 楼
【在 M******0 的大作中提到】
: 另外,你要证明雪胎RWD,在防滑上好过普通胎四驱也不是那么容易。
: 打滑的原理,当轮胎向前的动力超过traction limit. 四驱和雪胎的靠的是什么防滑?
: 1)四驱,把动力减半,很可能就小于traction limit.
: 2)雪胎,动力不变, 增加摩擦力,提高traction limit.
: 你必须证明雪胎的摩擦系数大于等于普通胎的2倍,double the traction limit, 才
: 能证明在防滑上比四驱强。
【在 M******0 的大作中提到】
: 另外,你要证明雪胎RWD,在防滑上好过普通胎四驱也不是那么容易。
: 打滑的原理,当轮胎向前的动力超过traction limit. 四驱和雪胎的靠的是什么防滑?
: 1)四驱,把动力减半,很可能就小于traction limit.
: 2)雪胎,动力不变, 增加摩擦力,提高traction limit.
: 你必须证明雪胎的摩擦系数大于等于普通胎的2倍,double the traction limit, 才
: 能证明在防滑上比四驱强。
16 楼
This is the new law (need to meet one of the followings):
1) Snow tires with a minimum of 1/8” tread
2) All-weather tires with mud and snow (M/S) mark with 1/8” of tread
3) Four-wheel drive with 1/8” of tread
4) Traction devices (chains, auto-sock, etc.) for two drive tires
四驱with 1/8 inch tread (a relative new tire) is good enough.
The law suggests the AWD (without snow tires) and snow tires (without AWD)
are equivelant.
【在 l**********i 的大作中提到】
: 现在不一样了
: 新施行的雪胎law
1) Snow tires with a minimum of 1/8” tread
2) All-weather tires with mud and snow (M/S) mark with 1/8” of tread
3) Four-wheel drive with 1/8” of tread
4) Traction devices (chains, auto-sock, etc.) for two drive tires
四驱with 1/8 inch tread (a relative new tire) is good enough.
The law suggests the AWD (without snow tires) and snow tires (without AWD)
are equivelant.
【在 l**********i 的大作中提到】
: 现在不一样了
: 新施行的雪胎law
17 楼
Living in northern states, lots of snow.
Personal experience, rating on driving feeling, may vary depending on cars
and road condition:
AWD+snow tires, 100 (baseline);
FWD+snow tires, 70 (main difference happens only moving out from parking
spot, when front wheels trapped in snow);
AWD+4 season, 40 (really icy slope near home, never able to stop at stop
FWD+4 season, 30 (same, icy slope issue, had spin out on highway, lucky to
be alive);
RWD+snow tires, 25 (be really careful, should survive, but very exhausting
RWD+4 season, 5 (top up on life insurance, you may still benefit your kids).
The only problem of snow tires are, one you have to have a space to store
full set of spare tires on wheels, second it is very very noisy on dry road,
especially on concrete roads, sometimes I suspect a jet flying over me.
I use a small wheels with snow tires, half hours to replace them in my
garage with factory tool set. And because of smaller wheels, snow tire (one
of the highest rated) is only half price of 4 season tire that matches
factory wheel. All in all, 4 tires + 4 wheels, is about five or six hundred
Personal experience, rating on driving feeling, may vary depending on cars
and road condition:
AWD+snow tires, 100 (baseline);
FWD+snow tires, 70 (main difference happens only moving out from parking
spot, when front wheels trapped in snow);
AWD+4 season, 40 (really icy slope near home, never able to stop at stop
FWD+4 season, 30 (same, icy slope issue, had spin out on highway, lucky to
be alive);
RWD+snow tires, 25 (be really careful, should survive, but very exhausting
RWD+4 season, 5 (top up on life insurance, you may still benefit your kids).
The only problem of snow tires are, one you have to have a space to store
full set of spare tires on wheels, second it is very very noisy on dry road,
especially on concrete roads, sometimes I suspect a jet flying over me.
I use a small wheels with snow tires, half hours to replace them in my
garage with factory tool set. And because of smaller wheels, snow tire (one
of the highest rated) is only half price of 4 season tire that matches
factory wheel. All in all, 4 tires + 4 wheels, is about five or six hundred
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