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EMS helicopter pilot worries; "If they knew what I knew, even the nurse and
paramedic wouldn't get on board."
The crash this morning of an emergency medical helicopter in Tennessee is
another tragic reminder of the crisis in medical aviation. Three people were
killed when a Eurocopter AS350 operated by Hospital Wing crashed near
Brownsville, Tennessee after delivering a patient in Jackson. While the
crash happened shortly before 7:00 a.m., the bulk of the flight occurred
during what is considere
paramedic wouldn't get on board."
The crash this morning of an emergency medical helicopter in Tennessee is
another tragic reminder of the crisis in medical aviation. Three people were
killed when a Eurocopter AS350 operated by Hospital Wing crashed near
Brownsville, Tennessee after delivering a patient in Jackson. While the
crash happened shortly before 7:00 a.m., the bulk of the flight occurred
during what is considere
3 楼
why deleted my poster, dude?
木星照片MRJ的最强对手?体验中国产喷气式支线客机ARJ21-700人类50年前真得能够做到登月并安全返回吗?中国的航天技术又要发射了搭飞机要小心!这些地方细菌多飞机失事是不是可以跳伞?风云二号H星成功发射 服务我国与"一带一路"国家火星最有可能存在外星生命飞机发动机那些你不知道的秘密科学家希望于2018年拍摄到银河系中心超级黑...一带一路精神指引 航天领域再创奇迹 美国日本五体投地有关美国绝密军事卫星的去处卡西尼号飞船在土星光环拍摄的月球(左)和地球(右)美国造出世界最丑飞机【人生一百才开始】中国在联合国振臂一呼60多国响应,美日咋办印度航班忘启动加压装置,乘客耳鼻流血美国1969年没有登上月球木星的引力防止了小行星撞击地球unidentified_title