Re: DNA microarry bioinformatics?
Re: DNA microarry bioinformatics?# Biology - 生物学
the principle is quite the same as DNA microarray except it
employs protein-protein interation in stead of annealing of
oligo DNA. Normally a chip coated with epitopes is used to
detect a cell flow. The opitic character will change if any
cell surfact would interact with any epitope on the chip. It
is very cool to study the surface protein interaction. Johns
Hopkins has a website and service for this tech.
It is a nascent technique as I know.
Another powerful tech for protein identification is m

this is not right.
pI determined by the 2D gel system, the time you cut out the spot.
quatuple mass spec can actually sequence some partial sequence,
which is easy part. Hard part is that you cann't get enough protein
when go to the quatuple, Electrospray requires ten teims more protein
than MALDI.
In-gel digestion coupled by MALDI can give the masses of digested peptide.
use those peptide mass, there are websites you can search the potential
protein candidate with predited m

【在 g***m 的大作中提到】
: the principle is quite the same as DNA microarray except it
: employs protein-protein interation in stead of annealing of
: oligo DNA. Normally a chip coated with epitopes is used to
: detect a cell flow. The opitic character will change if any
: cell surfact would interact with any epitope on the chip. It
: is very cool to study the surface protein interaction. Johns
: Hopkins has a website and service for this tech.
: It is a nascent technique as I know.
: Another powerful tech for protein identification is m
