致美国总统欧巴马的公开信 (转载)
致美国总统欧巴马的公开信 (转载)# Biology - 生物学
【 以下文字转载自 Medicine 讨论区 】
发信人: whiteclouds (/ 参考消息 /), 信区: Medicine
标 题: 致美国总统欧巴马的公开信
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Nov 27 20:08:11 2010, 美东)
Open Letter to President Barack Hussein Obama & The National Prevention,
Health Promotion, and Public Health Council
By Catherine J. Frompovich | September 21st, 2010
(An Open Letter to President Barack Hussein Obama & The National Prevention,
Health Promotion, and Public Health Council As created under Executive
Order 13544 of June 10, 2010)
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Since voters, consumers, and taxpayers have NO input nor any ability to
accept, reject, or counter FORCED legislation as enacted by Presidential
Executive Orders—nor does Congress have any authority over
them, which I find absolutely counter to a democratic form of governance
226;€”I think it behooves us all to examine Presidential Executive
Order 13544 in view of what it may and can portend for We, the People.
There are many interpretations that Obama “gave away the store” with
regard to the USA accepting Codex Alimentarius, that draconian One-World
edict regarding the U.S. food supply. One thing that puzzles this writer is
how the U.S. FDA and USDA can stand for relinquishing its supposed oversight
of the U.S. food supply to someone else, unless, of course, they are in
cahoots with Codex and plan to implement Codex, which seems like the only
logical scenario since we don’t hear these agencies protesting their
Although Codex Alimentarius is mentioned nowhere in E.O. 13544, one has to
wonder while reading it, if it is mentioned “between the lines.” The other
One-World player, the World Health Organization (WHO), also is not
mentioned but, again, its ephemeral fingerprints seem to be all over 13544.
It’s a well-known “secret” that WHO and Codex are not consumer-friendly
about much that has to do with vitamin and mineral supplementation,
homeopathy, complementary alternative medicine (CAM), and a ‘chemical-free
’ lifestyle.
In the United States, approximately 38 percent of adults (about 4 in 10) and
approximately 12 percent of children (about 1 in 9) are using some form of
Reading Sec. 3(a) of E.O. 13544 every U.S. healthcare consumer must realize
that there’s the real potential for WHO and its directives to be ‘calling
the shots’—literally and figuratively—in the
USA regarding healthcare, as it did with its erroneous pandemic of 2009 that
did NOT pan out; cost jillions of dollars for hastily manufactured and
basically a two-week-testing period of H1N1 flu vaccines that numerous
people rejected and resulted in surpluses being destroyed, which
coincidentally resulted in lower-than-ever death rates from seasonal flu.
Consequently the CDC went back to the drawing board and revised those
statistics lower. See CDC Revises Death Estimates from Flu
Still referring to Sec. 3(a), healthcare consumers need to ask, “Is
complementary alternative medicine (CAM) included under integrative health
care in the United States,” and if not, why not?
Moving along to Sec. 3 (b) one gets the “willies” here because this is
where the ‘sacred cow’ of medicine, media, pharmaceutical companies, and
public health systems—vaccines and forced vaccinationsâ
8364;”can and probably will be implemented. But this also is where informed
consent and right to self-determination can be denied and over-ridden under
the guise of the One-World philosophy that the “herd” counts more than
the individual, when in reality the herd is being hoodwinked because of mis-
information being divulged on purpose regarding vaccines. Here’s a case in
Numerous vaccines are produced using aborted fetus cells called diploid
cells. Reading a vaccine package insert, one would not equate diploid cells
with aborted babies, but that’s what it is. So, one disturbing question
this writer has to ask is: Where is the United States Conference of Catholic
Bishops and the Roman Catholic Church on this one, since they are
dramatically opposed to abortion and funding for abortions! Why haven’t
they spoken against vaccine production with aborted fetuses and informed the
How will the thousands who march annually on Washington, DC, to protest the
anniversary of Roe v Wade feel about not being told that they are having
aborted baby cells injected into their bodies? There’s another segment of
society that also has a ‘bone to pick’ about a vaccine ingredient: porcine
/pig DNA, the Muslim community.
The you-know-what hit the fan in Indonesia recently when Muslims found out
that they have been injected with pig DNA for numerous years now. Pork in
any fashion is totally anathema to their religious beliefs. See Apparently there is no ethical regard for an individual’s personal beliefs.
Members of the Jewish faith also abstain from pork. And yet, these products
are forcibly injected into people. What will happen under E.O. 13544 Sec. 3(
b) that calls for developing the most effective and achievable means of
improving the health status of Americans and reducing the incidence of
preventable illness and disability in the United States… Can you hear the
cheering at big pharma’s vaccine divisions?
In Sec. 3(c) one has to question what recommendations will be made to the
President and the Congress concerning the most pressing health issues
confronting the United States. If vaccines are not thoroughly investigated
as to their ingredients and pseudo-science often produced, paid for, and
published in sham peer review journals, since they are a probable cause of
both autism and Alzheimer’s disease, then we can expect everyone in the
world to become daffy ducks.
Section 3(d) calls for innovative approaches for the promotion of
transformative models of prevention, integrative health, and public health
on individual and community levels across the United States. Here’s where I
think everyone on the Internet sees Codex and WHO fingerprints all over the
document. However, here’s this writer’s spin on it: This should be a
mandate that complementary alternative medicine (CAM) be included in the mix
of transformative models for prevention on the individual and community
levels because nothing is more effective and transformative than CAM, which
does not burn and fry cancer patients; hijack a person’s DNA; or pump a
patient with up to twelve prescription, chemicalized drugs a day. Just look
in any senior citizen’s medicine cabinet. Question: Can you poison a body
into wellness?
Section 3(g) intrigues this writer since it states that the activities are
determined appropriate by the President. Hold the phone! First, what are the
president’s areas of expertise in health/healthcare that he should tell
anyone anything about health? Where is an individual’s right to self-
determination? Or, if the One-World government will be enacted by this E.O.,
then I guess he will have the right that we now equate with a DICTATOR.
This writer is old enough to remember Adolph Hitler’s famous programs for
improving society. This smacks so very close to that, that I can’t believe
I’m even saying it.
Shouldn’t taxpayers who foot the bill for all the president’s laws know
the names of the advisory group members from the fourteen agencies
represented, including preventive medicine. Is there a member or two from
CAM? If not, why not?
Section 5 calls for a National Prevention and Health Strategy. Complementary
alternative medicine needs to be represented there because over 50 percent
[2] of U.S. citizens utilize it, and we are taxpayers too! Will the strategy
include eliminating GMO foods and chemicals in our food, water, and air? If
not, why not?
Under Sec. 5(c) this question must be asked: Whose criteria will apply for
the millions of U.S. citizens who utilize complementary alternative medicine
; do not accept vaccines/vaccinations; and rely upon nutrients and
homeopathy to maintain their health?
Proper nutrition is addressed in Sec. 6(c). Well, this is where there’s
going to be a huge debate about such things as Frankenfish, GMO foods forced
upon U.S. consumers without their knowledge—and why when the
European Union mandates GMO food be labeled and FDA doesn’t? Will the food
processing industry with all its chemical additives, preservatives, and
ersatz food items become the ‘nutrition standard’? Just take a look at
hospital patients’ foods. OMG—you call that food? And one
would think that Registered Dietitians who pride themselves as knowing
nutrition would rebel and demand healthier food for patients.
Sec. 6(e) begs questioning if Federal health programs and centers will
implement Codex and World Health Organization directives. Sec. 6(g) mandates
science-based guidelines. What a joke, when the U.S. FDA mandates that GMO
food items are “substantially equivalent foods”. See If the president really wants U.S. citizens to be healthy, he better start looking elsewhere and not to the FDA about food and nutrition, since “substantially equivalent foods” are wiggle room words that need parsing by real food scientists and not GMO agricom hacks, I think.
So you see, based upon this analysis of Presidential Executive Order 13544,
you can see why there is so much Codex implementation associated with it.
Perhaps to clarify everything, Mr. Obama would like to issue another
Executive Order stating that in no way will Codex Alimentarius be
implemented in the United States and that the World Health Organization (WHO
) and/or the United Nations (UN) have no business in the business of running
the United States of America.
If you feel that way, why don’t you reproduce this open letter and send it
to your three members of Congress: two Senators and one Member of the House
from your state.
The Use of Complementary and Alternative Medicine in the United States,
accessed 9/19/10