据说哈利波特上nature了# Biology - 生物学
发信人: Isaiah (SKIASONARANHR), 信区: Emprise
标 题: 据说哈利波特上nature了
发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Jan 6 09:19:54 2011), 站内
刚看了《哈利波特7上》,无聊的在PubMed里面用"Harry Potter"做关键词搜索文献,
得到32篇文献,居然还有发在Nature上的文章两篇 还有其他牛文若干篇。灰常的欢乐。
皇家儿童医院的Graig等人,同样对哈里波特中描述的有超能力的巫师wizards and
人的麻瓜基因M来说是隐性的(recessive allele)。那么巫师的两个等位基因应该是
WW,麻瓜应该是MM, 混血的应该就是WM.
作者举出的例子是哈里的两个朋友罗恩·韦斯莱(Ron Weasley) 和纳威·隆巴顿(
Neville Longbottom)以及他们的死对头德拉科·马尔福(Draco Malfoy)都是巫师和
巫女的后代(WW X WW), 而赫敏(Herminone)是麻瓜生的女巫 (WW X WM)
作者还提到了其他几个遗传学上的概念:“不完全外显”(incomplete penetrance)
Filch虽然出身魔法世家,但是没有 魔法,有可能是他的魔法基因突变,而失去能力。
Nature 436, 776 (11 August 2005) | doi:10.1038/436776a;
Published online 10 August 2005
Harry Potter and the recessive alleleJeffrey M. Craig1,3,
Renee Dow2 MaryAnne Aitken2,3
* Chromosome Research, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Royal
Childrens Hospital, Flemington Road, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia
* Genetics Education, Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, Royal
Childrens Hospital, Flemington Road, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia
* Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, Royal Childrens
Hospital, Flemington Road, Parkville, Victoria 3052, Australia
We are bombarded with news of genetic discoveries on an almost daily basis
, but people without a formal knowledge of heredity and genetics can have
difficulty in deciphering and applying this information. Education and
debate across all ages would undoubtedly help, but how can we teach
children these concepts
We believe that successful lessons for younger children can be achieved
using analogies of direct interest and relevance. Most children are
familiar with J. K. Rowling's stories about the young wizard Harry Potter (
whose latest exploit, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, was published
by Bloomsbury in July). They are set in a world like our own, but
populated by a minority of people with supernatural powers (wizards and
witches) and a majority of people without (muggles).
Wizards or witches can be of any race, and may be the offspring of a wizard
and a witch, the offspring of two muggles ('muggle-born'), or of mixed
ancestry ('half-blood').
With the use of these examples, the concepts of mendelian
genetics can be introduced to children as young as five.
J. M Craig, R. Dow, M. A. Aitken
This suggests that wizarding ability is inherited in a mendelian
fashion, with the wizard allele (W) being recessive to the muggle allele (M
). According to this hypothesis, all wizards and witches therefore have two
copies of the wizard allele (WW). Harry's friends Ron Weasley and Neville
Longbottom and his arch-enemy Draco Malfoy are 'pure-blood' wizards: WW
with WW ancestors for generations back. Harry's friend Hermione is a
powerful muggle-born witch (WW with WM parents). Their classmate Seamus is
a half-blood wizard, the son of a witch and a muggle (WW with one WW and
one WM parent). Harry (WW with WW parents) is not considered a pure-blood,
as his mother was muggle-born.
There may even be examples of incomplete penetrance (Neville has poor
wizarding skills) and possible mutations or questionable paternity: Filch,
the caretaker, is a 'squib', someone born into a wizarding family but with
no wizarding powers of their own.
We believe that, with the use of these examples, the concepts of mendelian
genetics can be introduced to children as young as five, and then built on
by gradually introducing specific terms such as 'gene' and 'allele', and
relating these to chromosomes and DNA. At every stage, the children's
familiarity with the Harry Potter characters can be used as a hook to
engage them in discussing concepts of heredity and genetics.
“不完全外显”(incomplete penetrance)不能解释纳威·隆巴顿巫术超烂的巫术能
Nature 437, 318 (15 September 2005) | doi:10.1038/437318d;
Published online 14 September 2005
Harry Potter and the prisoner of presumptionAntony N. Dodd1,
Carlos T. Hotta1 & Michael J. Gardner1
* Department of Plant Sciences, University of Cambridge, Downing Street,
Cambridge CB2 3EA, UK
Jeffrey Craig and colleagues, in Correspondence ("Harry Potter and the
recessive allele" Nature 436, 776; 2005), recommend the use of analogies as
tools for introducing young people to scientific concepts. Taking their
example from J. K. Rowling's stories about the young wizard Harry Potter,
they suggest that wizarding is a monogenic trait, with the wizard allele (W
) recessive to the muggle allele (M). We believe the assumption that
wizarding has a genetic basis to be deterministic and unsupported by
available evidence
Following Craig and colleagues' analogy, Hermione, as a muggle-born witch,
must have WM parents. However, as Rowling fans could point out, Hermione's
parents were muggle dentists who lack any family history of wizarding. It'
s true, of course, that chance may not have thrown up a witch or wizard for
many generations, or that any who did have magical powers may have kept
them secret to avoid a witch hunt.
What about Neville's apparently poor wizarding skills? These cannot be
explained by incomplete penetrance, as Craig and colleagues suggest. In
incomplete penetrance, individuals either display the trait or not: they do
not display an intermediate degree of the trait. Poor wizarding skills
might be indicative of variable expressivity of an allele. However, both
variable expressivity and incomplete penetrance are associated with
dominant alleles. If the wizarding allele were dominant, rather than
recessive as suggested, wizarding children such as Hermione could not be
born to non-wizarding parents.
Neville's clumsiness may, perhaps, be an individual characteristic
unrelated to his potential powers. However, it is not possible, from the
evidence presented so far, to conclude that wizarding is a heritable trait.
British Medical Journal(很牛的医学类杂志,2008年影响因子13.66)上提出了
Magical enhancer element(魔法增强子原件)的概念

(Left) Magical enhancer element within a site of accessible chromatin in
human with ancestors all possessing magical abilities
(pureblood), which interacts with transcriptional
apparatus to drive gene expression. (Right) Chromatin in non-magical human
(muggle) remains in an inactive
closed conformation
了,这个就是"表观遗传学"epigenetics, 大亮了
BMJ 2007; 335 :
1299 doi: 10.1136/bmj.39414.582639.BE (Published
20 December 2007)

* Altered states
Origins of magic: review of genetic and epigenetic effects
* Sreeram V Ramagopalan, DPhil candidate12,
* Marian Knight, senior clinical research fellow3,
* George C Ebers, professor of clinical neurology12,
* Julian C Knight, senior research fellow1
+ Author Affiliations
* 1Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of
Oxford, Oxford OX3 7BN
* 2Department of Clinical Neurology, University of Oxford
* 3National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford
* Correspondence to: J C Knight j****[email protected]
* Accepted 16 November 2007
Objective To assess the evidence for a genetic basis to magic.
Design Literature review.
Setting Harry Potter novels of J K Rowling.
Participants Muggles, witches, wizards, and squibs.
Interventions Limited.
Main outcome measures Family and twin studies, magical ability, and
specific magical skills.
Results Magic shows strong evidence of heritability, with familial
aggregation and concordance in twins. Evidence suggests magical
ability to be a quantitative trait. Specific magical
skills, notably being able to speak to snakes, predict the future, and
change hair colour, all seem heritable.
Conclusions A multilocus model with a dominant gene for magic might
exist, controlled epistatically by one or more loci, possibly recessive
in nature. Magical enhancers regulating gene
expressionmay be involved, combined with mutations at specific genes
implicated in speech and hair colour such
as FOXP2 and MCR1.
IntroductionGenetic factors that underlie traits such as height1 and weight2
are currently under scrutiny using genome wide association methods, yet
the detection of genes predisposing to magic has
been given relatively short shrift. Using the books by J K Rowling
about Harry Potter, a schoolboy wizard, to gain an insight
into humans with magical abilities, one study suggested
that magic is the result of a single gene.3 This assertion has been
contentious, however, with another study questioning whether magic is
heritable.4 We assessed the heritability of magic now that the Harry Potter
series is complete with the publication of the seventh and
final book.5
* Weedon MN, Lettre G, Freathy RM, Lindgren CM, Voight BF,
Perry JR, et al. A common variant of HMGA2 is associated with adult
and childhood height in the general
population. Nat Genet2007;39:1245-50. [CrossRef][Medline]
[Web of Science]
* Frayling TM, Timpson NJ, Weedon MN, Zeggini E, Freathy RM,
Lindgren CM, et al. A common variant in the FTO gene is associated
with body mass index and predisposes to
childhood and adult obesity. Science2007;316:889-94. [
Abstract/FREE Full text]
* Craig JM, Dow R, Aitken M. Harry Potter and the recessive
allele. Nature2005;436:776. [Medline]
* Dodd A, Hotta C, Gardner M. Harry Potter and the prisoner of
presumption. Nature2005;437:318. [Medline]
* Rowling JK. Harry Potter and the deathly hallows. London:
Bloomsbury, 2007.
* Rowling JK. Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone. London
* Rowling JK. Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets. London:
Bloomsbury, 1998.
* Rowling JK. Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban. London:
Bloomsbury, 1999.
* Rowling JK. Harry Potter and the goblet of fire. London:
Bloomsbury, 2000.
* Rowling JK. Harry Potter and the order of the phoenix. London
* Rowling JK. Harry Potter and the half-blood prince. London:
Bloomsbury, 2005


【在 y****i 的大作中提到】
: 发信人: Isaiah (SKIASONARANHR), 信区: Emprise
: 标 题: 据说哈利波特上nature了
: 发信站: 水木社区 (Thu Jan 6 09:19:54 2011), 站内
: 刚看了《哈利波特7上》,无聊的在PubMed里面用"Harry Potter"做关键词搜索文献,
: 得到32篇文献,居然还有发在Nature上的文章两篇 还有其他牛文若干篇。灰常的欢乐。
: 附该文章链接:
: 以免大家以为是我胡诌。最近真是闲的蛋疼。
: ==========================神==作==分==割==线==========================
: 在下面第一篇nature文章中,在2005年《哈里波特与混血王子》出版后,来自澳大利亚

nature、science每期都一大堆politics, 探讨美国教育,

【在 D*a 的大作中提到】
: 楼上整天做实验连幽默感都没有了吧
: 既然是探讨教小朋友的无足轻重,你也写一篇魔戒遗传学投nature吧
