有做Alzheimer's disease的高人吗?入门级问题请教
有做Alzheimer's disease的高人吗?入门级问题请教# Biology - 生物学
I would like to speak with you breifly concerning the XXX NSF project that
you manage.
Research Media are producing a special journal in YYY 2013, within this
journal we will be working with a small selected number of PI's with a focus
on computing, communications, and information science and engineering,
advanced computing, communications and information systems in service to
society, information-based society and cyberinfrastructure resources, tools
and services.
The journal is called International Innovation - you can view a full digital
version of a previous report here;
We are developing a feature in our report on North American research.
We want to include the XXX project as one of several to be featured in the
report, I would like to discuss this with you.
Before we talk further please look over the attached articles recently
produced with Project Investigators for International Innovation journal.
These recent example articles will give you a clear idea of how your article
could look.
It might also be worth noting that very little of your time is required in
production of the article. I understand how busy you are at present, we have
lots of time before 'copy deadline' and throughout this process we usually
require no more than two to three hours total input from PI's.
A team of three people will be assigned to you directly, an Editorial
Director, an Editorial Assistant and the Art Director for the publication.
This experienced, highly skilled team have worked with hundreds of
scientists to disseminate an often complex message, in a simple language
communicated to a professional, visually attractive standard.
I hope you agree, the attached example articles I have sent look wonderful,
and are written to the highest of standards.
International Innovation will also feature a selection of high level figures
from both Government agencies and some of the worlds leading organisations
and associations involved in the enhancement of science policy within this
Amongst the many high profile figures we have recently interviewed from the
global research arena are the following;
- National Science Foundation - Science Across Virtual Institutes (SAVI)
- American Association for the Advancement of Science: Dr Alice S Huang,
Chair of the AAAS Board of Directors
- NASA: Earth Science and Technology Directorate, Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Department of Energy's Office of Science: Dr. William Brinkman
- National Academy of Sciences: Division on Engineering and Physical
Sciences: Richard Rowberg, Deputy Executive Director
- American Astronomical Society: David J. Helfand, PhD, President
- Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Society: Jerry Baker, Executive Director
- NOAA: James Butler, Director of Global Monitoring Division
- Caltech: W.M. Keck Institute for Space Studies: Tom Prince, Director
- European Science Foundation: Kostas Nittis, Chair
- STEM Education Coalition: James Brown, Executive Director
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
- Wellcome Trust: Ted Bianco, Director of Technology Transfer
- Swiss Biotech Association: Domenico P Alexakis, CEO
- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC): John
Kilani, Director of Sustainable Development Mechanisms programme
Copyright and Ownership of Material
Once we have produced your material you will own the total copy rights to
use this information for your own purposes. Project partners often reproduce
this material in brochure form, leaflets etc as well as using the material
on the web.
It is essential that every project can maximise it's investment in good
dissemination - Research Media will support and assist projects to achieve
this goal.
Work to be developed, Deadlines and Page Charges
The publication as a whole will be A4 in size, perfect bound, full colour
gloss and it will run to approximately 110 pages.
The package I have placed on hold for you is as follows:
Exclusive editorial position of three full colour pages to include colour
PI Keynote Interview - An interview to be conducted by International
Innovation, the questions will be sent via email before the interview begins
. You will be asked to approve everything we have written. This process
lasts no more than 30 minutes.
Case Study - Looking specifically at potential applications of research, the
bigger picture, the future developments etc Project Profile - Depending on
life cycle of project this could be driven in different ways, we would
welcome the chance to also include details of your colleague investigators.
Professional Editorial Assistance - A team of three professionals will be
working with each selected project.
I wanted to confirm the deadlines for you also;
The deadline for finalised article production is the; YYY 2013
The date for Publication release will be the; YYY 2013
Open Access Page Charge;
The page charge is fixed at $2,930 USD - for the full three page development
. This is a required fee from all researchers and research teams and allows
us to ensure the publication is entirely open access.
International Innovation is an Open Access journal, no matter where you are
based globally, or your position, you may subscribe to and receive
International Innovation journal for free. This ensures we have the largest
possible audience, but also ensure we can target the right people with our
subscription campaigns.
We do ask that the projects / institutes involved in the report contribute
financially. We rely heavily on support from the research projects
themselves to make this publication happen. We hope the page charges are
reasonable, considering production and distribution.
As you can imagine employing professional editors and designers to conduct
interviews and produce very high standard material is an expensive process,
let alone the costs involved in printing and distributing a heavyweight high
quality report globally.
I hope this email provides all of the information require evaluating the
initial proposal; I would be keen to run through this information with you
soon as explain the European funding opportunities that this report will
target and how this could realise future collaboration opportunities for you.
Could you please drop me a mail and advise when would be a good time to
discuss further?
Kind Regards
最近老板忽然对Alzheimer's disease产生极大的兴趣,非要把课题往这个方向上靠.我
问题一,目前市面上各种mouse models似乎都是转了human mutated genes,像APP,PS1什
么的.最常见的检测指标是A-beta和NFT的染色. 老鼠也有内源性的APP和Tau, 好象内源
块吗? 公司能买到针对rodent的A-beta抗体, 说明有这种可能,只是主流的文章似乎都
在关注human gene product.有没有可能用老鼠内源性的APP来做疾病模型?
问题二,目前主流的观点对这个疾病的机理是否偏向于Ca overload? 我们手头现有的
mouse model显示reduced cytoplasmic Ca concentration,类似PSI/PS2 KO 模型,但这
个似乎无法被牵强的说成Alzheimer's disease model.


【在 h*****y 的大作中提到】
: 收到这么一封信。大家看看值不值得做,是不是骗那三千块钱的。信很长,贴了大部分
: 在下面。谢谢
: I would like to speak with you breifly concerning the XXX NSF project that
: you manage.
: Research Media are producing a special journal in YYY 2013, within this
: journal we will be working with a small selected number of PI's with a focus
: on computing, communications, and information science and engineering,
: advanced computing, communications and information systems in service to
: society, information-based society and cyberinfrastructure resources, tools
: and services.

1.因为用的是人的mutation,抗体用rodent raise,无所谓,用人的mutation就是为了
2.我没有觉得主流觉得机制偏向Ca overload,这只是人们用来解释Abeta cascade的一
3.我觉得A beta产生就是要被cleaved,只是在哪里cleaved的问题。sAPP有paper说是
现在最重点的是soluble ab oligomers, rather than ab fibrils or monomers, are the most toxic species. The origin of ab toxicity may come from the membrane-disruption. Ca overload may be consequence of membrane disruption due to the formation of ion channel.
second this.
I learned this from two papers by Andrew Dillin.

are the most toxic species.

【在 h********r 的大作中提到】
: 现在最重点的是soluble ab oligomers, rather than ab fibrils or monomers, are the most toxic species. The origin of ab toxicity may come from the membrane-disruption. Ca overload may be consequence of membrane disruption due to the formation of ion channel.


【在 h*****y 的大作中提到】
: 收到这么一封信。大家看看值不值得做,是不是骗那三千块钱的。信很长,贴了大部分
: 在下面。谢谢
: I would like to speak with you breifly concerning the XXX NSF project that
: you manage.
: Research Media are producing a special journal in YYY 2013, within this
: journal we will be working with a small selected number of PI's with a focus
: on computing, communications, and information science and engineering,
: advanced computing, communications and information systems in service to
: society, information-based society and cyberinfrastructure resources, tools
: and services.

1) due to the intrinsic difference between rodent Abeta and human Abeta,
rodent Abeta do not form aggregates easily as human abeta.
For more detailed info, check "Charles G. Glabe" or Frank Laferla's paper.
As for NFT, most people in the field now agree that Tau is downstream of
2) Calcium and neurocytotoxicity hypothesis is quite old. It definitely has
its points but not the whole scheme.
3) Abeta is solube. The problem is Abeta oligomer. And the current opinion
is that soluble Abeta oligomer is the actual toxici species rather than