Postdoc-to-faculty transition award for postdoctoral fellows ( $500,000 )
Postdoc-to-faculty transition award for postdoctoral fellows ( $500,000 )# Biology - 生物学
Mandalay (Mandalay之路) 于 (Fri Nov 11 22:46:23 2011, 美东) 提到:
按道理 很熟 又不熟 因為他太“深刻”了
以至於 對很多諱莫如深
如果他說多了 就會有一種soul mate的感覺
也是很深刻 不過溝通能力還比較強
特別喜歡探討"深刻"問題 的確很有見地
因為是好朋友 所以有的時候覺得他羅嗦了點
好笑的是 這兩個人同天出生 很不喜歡對方
一種是很noble 一種就是地上爬的bad scorpio..
雖然他們都容易在職場上突出 比較鐵定心做事情
我覺得都會有狹隘自私的一面 就是程度不同而已 ~
Vieux (Keep it cool~~~) 于 (Sat Nov 12 12:52:29 2011, 美东) 提到:
Songp (宋平宋青书) 于 (Sat Nov 12 17:18:23 2011, 美东) 提到:
yizhitumao () 于 (Sat Nov 12 17:23:41 2011, 美东) 提到:
VERY interesting!

一種是很noble 一種就是地上爬的bad scorpio..
zilda (真水无香) 于 (Mon Nov 14 00:07:20 2011, 美东) 提到:
I posted it here yesterday. I wonder why someone deleted the post. Is it not useful information?
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Career Awards at the Scientific Interface
PLEASE READ: Postdoc-to-faculty transition award for postdoctoral fellows
who are physical, chemical or computational science researchers and
engineers whose work addresses biological questions: unlimited pre-
applications are permitted-no internal selection process is required.
Please read the eligibility criteria carefully.
There are two separate BWF career, postdoc-to-faculty transition awards
which are being offered this year. The one in this message, Career Awards
for the Scientific Interface, permits individuals to self-nominate.
Therefore, unlimited numbers of applicants are permitted to submit
preliminary proposals to BWF. The internal selection process for the
other program, Career Awards for Medical Scientists, will be announced soon.
Pre-proposal guidelines:
Pre-proposal Deadline: September 1, 2011*
Full proposal (by invitation only): Jan. 11, 2012*
*Institutional Representatives
You do not need to submit your pre-proposal to your institutional
representatives. However i
f you are subsequently invited to submit a full proposal then you will are
required to work with your institutional representative. [You are
encouraged to notify your RPM that you have been invited to submit a full
proposal so he/she can assist you with your application.]
*Medicine: Research Process Manager (RPM) in RMG Assignments by department >>
*Other schools: Office of Sponsored Research (OSR) assignments >>
Preproposals will be reviewed by the Interfaces in Science Advisory
Committee and selected candidates will be invited to submit a full
application. Full invited applications must be submitted by January 12, 2011.
Amount of funding: $500,000 to bridge advanced postdoctoral training and
the first three years of faculty service.
Purpose: These awards are intended to foster the early career development of
researchers with backgrounds in the physical/mathematical/computational
sciences and engineers whose work addresses biological questions. Candidates
are expected to draw from their training in a scientific field other than
biology to propose innovative approaches to answer important questions in
the biological sciences. Examples of approaches include, but are not limited
to, physical measurement of biological phenomena, computer simulation of
complex processes in physiological systems, mathematical modeling of self-
organizing behavior, building probabilistic tools for medical diagnosis,
developing novel imaging tools or biosensors, developing or applying
nanotechnology to manipulate cellular systems, predicting cellular responses
to topological clues and mechanical forces, and developing a new conceptual
understanding of the complexity of living organisms. Proposals that include
experimental validation of theoretical models are particularly encouraged.
* Candidates must hold a Ph.D. degree in one of the fields of
mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, statistics, or
engineering. Exceptions will be made only if the applicant can demonstrate
significant expertise in one of these areas, evidenced by publications or
advanced course work.
* Candidates must have completed at least 12 months but not more than 48
months of postdoctoral research by the date of the full application
deadline (by Jan. 11, 2012). No exceptions to this requirement will be made.
* Candidates cannot hold nor have accepted, either in writing or
verbally, a faculty appointment as a tenure-track assistant professor at the
time of application - both preproposal and full application.
* Candidates must be committed to a full-time career in research as an
independent investigator at a North American degree-granting institution.
* Candidates must have at least one first-author publication.
* A candidate's postdoctoral mentor must hold an appointment at an
accredited, degree-granting institution in the U.S. or Canada.
* Candidates must not hold nor have accepted a K99 award from the U.S.
National Institutes of Health.
* Citizens and non-citizen permanent residents of the U.S. and Canada
are eligible.
* Temporary residents of the U.S. are eligible.
* Temporary residents of Canada are not eligible.
* Candidates with questions about their eligibility must contact BWF in
advance of the preproposal application deadline. BWF will make no
exceptions to its policies.