不是人人都有那么聪明的。 俺刚从一个二线学校postdoc出来,学生按说也不是最差的。那种能try几个就成功一个 的,只见过一个。大部分学生都是不停的try and error。 俺phD写了14万行程序,发的paper也是掰着指头数的过来的。 我觉得对于一个平常智力的人(包括99%我见过的人),还是得用功。 另外楼主你和女人有仇啊。我周围的男生也都是try and error的。
【在 S**********l 的大作中提到】 : 不是人人都有那么聪明的。 : 俺刚从一个二线学校postdoc出来,学生按说也不是最差的。那种能try几个就成功一个 : 的,只见过一个。大部分学生都是不停的try and error。 : 俺phD写了14万行程序,发的paper也是掰着指头数的过来的。 : 我觉得对于一个平常智力的人(包括99%我见过的人),还是得用功。 : 另外楼主你和女人有仇啊。我周围的男生也都是try and error的。
22 楼
奔儿歌,比如小龙人, 哈哈哈。。。
23 楼
Hardworking is not sufficient, but is absolutely necessary to succeed in biomedical sciences. I have never seen a single person who is very successful without hardworking. Other factors are neither sufficient nor necessary to make some achievements in this field. Of course you need a reasonable IQ for sure ...
说实话,我觉得这个问题尽管被问过,讨论过无数次,但是实际上是个伪问题。 说是伪问题,是因为它根本不是一个标准的问题,也没有一个稍微有普遍意义的答案。 就好像成功的因素是什么。有人说publications,有人说老板,有人说研究方向。但基 本上大家都觉得这些因素实际上就象生物系统自己一样,相互影响和制约。 我今天还跟PhD老板通信,谈到postdoc为了出文章,总是搞到晚上1,2点,身体感觉不 如以前。我PhD时的老板就告诉我: Also I noticed something interesting when I was a postdoc myself. I moved from UC Berkeley to Australian National University. At Berkeley all the posdocs worked like crazy, long hours, always in the lab. The guys in ANU had much healthier hours. And interestngly the ANU guys were just as productive. They tended to think more, so each thing they did was more effective. We have a saying from this part of new england where I grew up " Measure twice, cut once." Its about making things with wood but it applies in general. 这个建议看起来是说要多思考,更有效的去工作。当然是对的。但是你要真的打算回家 躺倒在床上多思考,想出一个绝妙的主意再去做beach work,我看是万万行不通的。很 多有意义的结果都是一边思考一边不停去试验,去验证而得到的。beach work很多时候 是帮助思考整个project的。就如版上贴出的哪个对诺将有争议的PI,他也在他的网站 上强调,当时发现的过程工作是非常紧张的。哪些试图希望通过喝着咖啡舒适的发现重 要结果的想法都是不切实际的。流传很广的很多关于理论物理8卦,写的一副春秋笔法 ,但是你千万别相信很多想法就是那么容易被搞定。不是常常整日整夜的思索计算,不 可能产生一个个的灵感。 再说到每个人的实际。我们都需要publication,如果你有一个非常有影响力的大老板 。那么也许你真的可以花比别人少很多的气力,就能得到大文章,得到很好的前途。但 是要是你现在不具备有前途的方向和课题,大牛并supportive的老板,凭什么就期望能 轻轻松松发好文章?难道凭借自我感觉的‘小聪明’?所以说这样的问题是个伪问题。 不看清自己的现状和处境,而来套别人的各种论断和建议,是很盲目的。 但是我想区别一点的是,勤奋并不是成为工作的奴隶。就像上面说的一样。一天15hr+ 的bench work不一定是合格的勤奋。而是一边工作一边思考。不断的调整课题的方向和 角度。这样才可能少走一些弯路。咱们老祖先早就说过,学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆 。我觉得讲得是一个道理。 如果面前有个有潜力的突破,或者马上要申请基金,我觉得还是应当快马加鞭,赶紧搞 定以后才不会后悔。的确有很多变态老板,但是我们自己有时候心态也有些问题,焦躁 而多抱怨。我觉得有一些处境,其实是可以通过自己的努力慢慢改变的。
【在 b******s 的大作中提到】 : 说实话,我觉得这个问题尽管被问过,讨论过无数次,但是实际上是个伪问题。 : 说是伪问题,是因为它根本不是一个标准的问题,也没有一个稍微有普遍意义的答案。 : 就好像成功的因素是什么。有人说publications,有人说老板,有人说研究方向。但基 : 本上大家都觉得这些因素实际上就象生物系统自己一样,相互影响和制约。 : 我今天还跟PhD老板通信,谈到postdoc为了出文章,总是搞到晚上1,2点,身体感觉不 : 如以前。我PhD时的老板就告诉我: : Also I noticed something interesting when I was a postdoc myself. I moved : from UC Berkeley to Australian National University. At Berkeley all the : posdocs worked like crazy, long hours, always in the lab. The guys in ANU : had much healthier hours. And interestngly the ANU guys were just as
【在 b******s 的大作中提到】 : 说实话,我觉得这个问题尽管被问过,讨论过无数次,但是实际上是个伪问题。 : 说是伪问题,是因为它根本不是一个标准的问题,也没有一个稍微有普遍意义的答案。 : 就好像成功的因素是什么。有人说publications,有人说老板,有人说研究方向。但基 : 本上大家都觉得这些因素实际上就象生物系统自己一样,相互影响和制约。 : 我今天还跟PhD老板通信,谈到postdoc为了出文章,总是搞到晚上1,2点,身体感觉不 : 如以前。我PhD时的老板就告诉我: : Also I noticed something interesting when I was a postdoc myself. I moved : from UC Berkeley to Australian National University. At Berkeley all the : posdocs worked like crazy, long hours, always in the lab. The guys in ANU : had much healthier hours. And interestngly the ANU guys were just as
I think LZ wanna remind us don't get soaked into the experiment. someone sometimes behave just like a donkey wearing a mask grinding beans, just know walking ahead, but finally stay at the starting point. Sometimes you need to get out of what you did, then think about the stuff you work from a different perspective and just take a rest. I guess the break will help a lot:)
【在 d********m 的大作中提到】 : richard feynman都是勤奋型的,LZ说勤奋没用?啥心态。 : 你就别来误导这个领域里的小弟小妹了,对于我们这种智商一般的学生,不靠勤奋靠LZ : 来帮我们想idea?
Sorry can't type Chinese on this computer. I really like LZ's post. I am not in Biology, but I have worked under some of the world's best minds. My consistent observation is that it's far superior to spend the time to develop vision, seeing large picture, and be creative, than to use the brute force approach. Use an extreme example, there are many Foxconn workers working just as hard as Steve Jobs, but which path would you rather take? 1. Yes, I do realize many people literally do not have the vision and ability in science, and can only compensate by using diligence. I would actually encourage them to explore different paths, find a different careers where they can actually excel. Sadly, many people just follow momentum (I'm doing biology because of past degree, because it's easy to find a job in the very short term, etc... ), play safe, and continue banging their head against something they're not good at, end up neither happy nor accomplished. 2. The real tragic is for those people who would otherwise develop high level intelligence, but got sucked into daily and mundane tasks instead. Don't let it happen to you. Instead, take a deep breath, step back, look at the big picture. Ruminate and reflect on what you do well, what you don't do well, you will improve at a much faster rate, and the it'll be a more rewarding experience.
104 楼
俺不想working as hard as Steve Jobs,只想to be as creative and rich as Steve Jobs. 难啊。
some which careers
【在 T*******r 的大作中提到】 : Sorry can't type Chinese on this computer. : I really like LZ's post. I am not in Biology, but I have worked under some : of the world's best minds. My consistent observation is that it's far : superior to spend the time to develop vision, seeing large picture, and be : creative, than to use the brute force approach. Use an extreme example, : there are many Foxconn workers working just as hard as Steve Jobs, but which : path would you rather take? : 1. Yes, I do realize many people literally do not have the vision and : ability in science, and can only compensate by using diligence. I would : actually encourage them to explore different paths, find a different careers
105 楼
some which careers
【在 T*******r 的大作中提到】 : Sorry can't type Chinese on this computer. : I really like LZ's post. I am not in Biology, but I have worked under some : of the world's best minds. My consistent observation is that it's far : superior to spend the time to develop vision, seeing large picture, and be : creative, than to use the brute force approach. Use an extreme example, : there are many Foxconn workers working just as hard as Steve Jobs, but which : path would you rather take? : 1. Yes, I do realize many people literally do not have the vision and : ability in science, and can only compensate by using diligence. I would : actually encourage them to explore different paths, find a different careers
Agree. Ps: 在核物理化学界的冷温(即非一亿度以上的太阳温度)的核聚变 称为工程学概念前, >ITER (originally an acronym of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is an international nuclear fusion research and engineering project, which is currently building the world's largest and most advanced experimental tokamak nuclear fusion reactor at Cadarache in the south of France. The ITER fusion the first plasma is expected in 2019.When ITER becomes operational, it will become the largest magnetic confinement plasma physics experiment in use, surpassing the Joint European Torus. The first commercial demonstration fusion power plant, named DEMO, is proposed to follow on from the ITER project to bring fusion energy to the commercial market after 2040. from htp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITER 这个是克拉克通过X-ray衍射实验发现DNA结构的衍射同心圆图岸一样 htp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Crick#Molecular_biology 伦琴发现X-ray前不可能做这类实验 2020s 这类冷温核聚变物理方法论开启可以自由地更换Ribozome tRNA mRNA里亚原子的中子数等物理参数前 一切生物化学界的实验还都是有机合成化学领域的中世纪天然物 中医药道学范畴 那以后生物学可能不再仅仅叫做生物学 可以叫做IB 人工智能生物学工程学 就象 目前 的IT工工程学