最近一位千老朋友痛下决心,去读了MBA,现在终于抖起来了,找到了一个“高科技” 公司的好位置。年薪9万刀。公司总部在美国,在中国有分公司和工厂。我问他公司做 什么的。他说,主打业务........ ★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs 7.56 - iPad Lite
why do you laugh, man? a pig butcher can make a lot more than most postdocs who know how to kill dragons. But but, where are the dragons?? that's why postdocs make so little $$$. pathetic
Why this is so fun? Your friend probabaly can not make 90K if he/she continues to be a postdoc. Most of the work MBA do, does not require high tech, so what? Their money and power are much better than a postdoc's.