may have some problem for the visa application next time. I remember that the form has the question about (if you have attended the public school for free). I did not think about this when answering your question. You may check it with immigration lawyer. He can study, but he may have the small chance to have problems in the next time for the visa application.
Depends on school district I think. My older one did not need to show anything about immigration status. That was 1999,though. My second one, we were asked to show visa/green card. I don't think school has the right to check immigration status, not even local police(except few conservative states/cities which has the contravecy law)
就算是没有身份的黑人,也能上公立学校。带着出生证,只需证明生日,就可以上。要 有体检与免疫证明。胆子大一点,带到教育部去问。 ★ Sent from iPhone App: iReader Mitbbs 7.56 - iPad Lite
Depends on school district, call them first and ask what documents do they need to go to school. My nephew holds b2 visa, he went to the same public school with my daughter at no cost. Good luck.