Cas9-Crispr in mice# Biology - 生物学
本人转行用老鼠做实验, 现在要做Cas9-Crispr genome editing (in Mice). 想请有
经验的前辈推荐比较实用的书, 经典的paper and protocol.
© 2017
Genome Editing in Animals
Methods and Protocols
Editors: Hatada, Izuho (Ed.)
Includes cutting-edge methods and protocols
Provides step-by-step detail for reproducible results
Contains key notes and implementation advice from the experts
About this book
This volume details protocols that can be used for generation of knockout
animals. Chapters guide the reader through basic protocols for three genome
editing technologies, target design tools, and specific protocols for each
animal. Written in the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology series
format, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of
the necessary materials and reagents, step-by-step, readily reproducible
laboratory protocols, and tips on troubleshooting and avoiding known
Authoritative and practical, Genome Editing in Animals: Methods and
Protocols aims to ensure successful results in the further study of this
vital field.
Table of contents (20 chapters)
Construction and Evaluation of Zinc Finger Nucleases
Ochiai, Hiroshi (et al.)
Pages 1-24
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Current Overview of TALEN Construction Systems
Sakuma, Tetsushi (et al.)
Pages 25-36
Hatada, Izuho (et al.)
Pages 37-42
Computational Prediction of CRISPR/Cas9 Target Sites Reveals Potential Off-
Target Risks in Human and Mouse
Wang, Qingbo (et al.)
Pages 43-53
Genome Editing of Mouse by Cytoplasmic Injection
Horii, Takuro (et al.)
Pages 55-66
Genome Editing in Mouse Zygotes and Embryonic Stem Cells by Introducing
SgRNA/Cas9 Expressing Plasmids
Noda, Taichi (et al.)
Pages 67-80
Genome Editing in Mouse and Rat by Electroporation
Kaneko, Takehito
Pages 81-89
Generation of Knock-in Mouse by Genome Editing
Fujii, Wataru
Pages 91-100
Genome Editing of Rat
Kaneko, Takehito
Pages 101-108
Gene Targeting in Rabbits: Single-Step Generation of Knock-out Rabbits by
Microinjection of CRISPR/Cas9 Plasmids
Kawano, Yoshihiro (et al.)
Pages 109-120
Genome Editing of Pig
Watanabe, Masahito (et al.)
Pages 121-139
Genome Editing of Monkey
Liu, Zhen (et al.)
Pages 141-152
Genome Editing Mediated by Primordial Germ Cell in Chicken
Han, Jae Yong (et al.)
Pages 153-163
CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Targeted Knockin of Exogenous Reporter Genes in
Kawahara, Atsuo
Pages 165-173
Genome Editing of Medaka
Ansai, Satoshi (et al.)
Pages 175-188
A Simple Protocol for Loss-of-Function Analysis in Xenopus tropicalis
Founders Using the CRISPR-Cas System
Sakane, Yuto (et al.)
Pages 189-203
Genome Editing of Silkworms
Tsubota, Takuya (et al.)
Pages 205-218
Genome Editing in the Cricket, Gryllus bimaculatus
Watanabe, Takahito (et al.)
Pages 219-233
Genome Editing of the Ascidian Ciona intestinalis with TALE Nuclease
Sasakura, Yasunori (et al.)
Pages 235-245
Genome Editing of C. elegans
Sugi, Takuma
多谢两位前辈指教, very helpful
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