Kang Zhang, M.D., Ph.D. is Professor of Ophthalmology and Chief of
Ophthalmic Genetics at the University of California, San Diego. Dr. Zhang
obtained his M.D. with Magna Cum Laude honors from the Harvard Medical
School and MIT joint MD program and his Ph.D. in genetics from Harvard
University. He completed his residency in ophthalmology at Wilmer Eye
Institute at Johns Hopkins University and his retina fellowship at
University of Utah. He was a faculty member at Johns Hopkins University,
Cleveland Clinic Foundation, and University of Utah.
Prominent UCSD eye doctor ‘on leave’ after inewsource investigation
by Jill Castellano & Brad Racino | April 23, 2019
Dr. Kang Zhang, chief of eye genetics at the University of California San
Diego, is “on leave” after an inewsource investigation exposed how the
doctor put medical research subjects in harm’s way for years while pulling
in millions of federal dollars for the institution.
In a new development, inewsource obtained an inspection report from the U.S.
Food and Drug Administration that detailed more problems with one of Zhang
’s studies. The report, compiled in 2016, described one incident in which
Zhang poked a hole in a study participant’s eye with a needle, causing a
cataract that had to be fixed with surgery.
The person wasn’t supposed to be enrolled in the study, according to the
report, and the injury allegedly occurred because Zhang was in a hurry to
take a trip to China.
When people volunteer to be human research subjects, they accept potential
health risks in order to contribute to a growing bank of scientific and
medical knowledge.
Their medical history, blood, organs or DNA are mined to improve the
diagnosis and treatment of diseases, or to develop new technologies to help
people live longer, healthier lives.
The researchers are expected to follow ethical guidelines meant to protect
their patients.
In a statement emailed Tuesday to inewsource, UCSD said, “The FDA report
raises a number of concerning issues, all of which the university takes very
seriously. Dr. Zhang is currently on leave. UC San Diego is reviewing Dr.
Zhang’s activities and cannot comment further at this time.”
Zhang was suspended from overseeing human research studies in April 2017 but
was allowed to continue to apply for federal grants, publish in medical
journals and train the next generation of scientists at the university.
inewsource’s reporting on Zhang described how his repeated human research
violations over many years highlight ways in which local, state and federal
institutions can fail to protect study participants.
Zhang has been removed from the UCSD Shiley Eye Institute and UC San Diego
Health providers websites. The Zhang laboratory website was also removed
Monday but is now back online.
not much trouble for this issue. But he works closely with some
universities in China.
This guy is a super star in China
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